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  • Ruby is going to be going on an extended sleepover with her friend Nieve.  In other words, our friends James and Dahlia, whom we’ll owe BIG TIME, are going to babysit the pup while we’re riding across country.  Their 4-year-old son is really excited about that.
  • Joel’s mom and Dahlia are splitting cat-sitting duties.  Both of them love cats but can’t have them for various reasons.  Grizzo is so neurotic that he wouldn’t do well staying at somebody else’s house, and Smallcat is so evil I wouldn’t want to inflict her upon someone’s home.  She is destructo-kitty.
  • We’re flying out to the West coast and shipping our stuff ahead of us.  My aunt Debbie and uncle Danny have generously allowed us to ship our crap out to their house and we’ll re-assemble in their garage.
  • We’re mostly going to be camping & doing our own cooking, though occasionally, if the weather sucks enough for long enough, or we are REALLY stupidly sick of our own one-pot cooking we can stay in a motel or go out to eat.
  • We’ll occasionally phone our folks, but otherwise, the cell phone stays firmly switched off, for emergency use only.
  • We’ll blog occasionally – maybe weekly if possible, and check & answer e-mails if we have enough time.
  • We’ll miss everyone, the critters, our daily routines and nightly hot showers
  • We’ll have one hell of a fabulous time – this is the sort of opportunity that just doesn’t happen any old time and we’re both very excited to be able to take it.

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