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Frizbutt, originally uploaded by Meetzorp.

I was looking through the pictures I have on my harddrive, looking for some ones I took at the West Side Community Garden last summer, and I came across this completely ridiculous shot of Minnie sitting in a Frisbee. It is exactly the size of her tush: no larger, no smaller. Her tail is curled around her feet, as you would expect.

There’s really no explaining this cat; you can only live alongside her and be perplexed.

cat in ladder 2
Very perplexed, in fact.

I must add that since I began to crate her at night, our embattled relationship has improved. I think I am less frustrated with her (and am better rested, which always improves my mood), and she’s less combative as she’s not being sprayed by a Super Soaker 2 to 4 times a night for scratching at the door and yowling. Squirt bottles, then later the Super Soaker were never much of a deterrent to her, and I think she just got testier from this type of reprimand. She’s still pesty; she’s been extra-crispy annoying since Joel’s been out of town on training, but at least she can’t bug me all night long.

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