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For real this time

So…the Big Trip is now at an end.  In about half an hour, I’ll be getting on a bus, riding to a different bus stop stop, getting on another bus, getting on a plane, getting off that plane and on to another plane, getting off that plane, and I’ll be back in Kansas City by some time around 9:30 tonight. 

I don’t really have time to do much of a write-up about our Charleston adventures right now, but I will do Charleston justice in a few days, when I am settled at home and do a step-by-step write-up of the trip.

To the KC folks, see ya soon!  Saturday ride ahoy!  To everyone else, thanks for following along on our adventure, and I will be doing a more exact write up of where we went and what we saw once I get my photos up on Flickr and can get the marked maps from Joel, who will be doing the same.

One Response to “For real this time”

  1. Audrey says:

    Ah, as you are in the air flying home, we will be flying to Orlando to visit the in laws! One good vacation deserves another. I’ll probably call you late next week/end to chat! Love you sis. . .

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