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Category Archive for 'Too lazy to classify'

she likes to sleep with her head under the bed, originally uploaded by Meetzorp. This dog is hilarious and cute. One night, she actually was over 3/4 of the way underneath the bed.

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IMG_2122, originally uploaded by Meetzorp. I’m not entirely sure what this little guy is. It has a face a little bit like an octopus, but ram’s horns and tiny bat wings, and with the pinkness and the crosshatching, it also reminds me a bit of a spiced ham with cloves pressed into it. In any […]

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The mealtime mambo

About a year-and-a-half ago, we put the cats on a diet. Predictably, mealtime drama ramped up to incredible proportions. In fact, Grizzo will begin his campaigns for breakfast or dinner up to three hours before it is actually time for whichever meal. He’d always been food-oriented, even before the diet, but the diet has flipped […]

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Until my computer is back up and running, I can’t give you a proper recap of the event, with pictures, but I’ll hit a few highlights: Christi winning in high style with about a ten-minute gap on Jenny, the second-place finisher Nikki bringing up DFL, just behind Caitlin, who wins an honorable mention for racing […]

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Yesterday was one of those action-packed non-adventure days. It was my day off, so of course I was twice as busy as if I were working, right? I woke up in the dead of the night realizing that it was already May, it’s been raining like The Deluge, and I haven’t been over to the […]

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Just a heads-up

I’ve started hammering out the web-presence of my revived sewing endeavor As You Like It Designs. The emphasis is on my line of one-of-a-kind cycling hats. I’ve got a whole bunch of hats that will be finished and up online soon, so please check back often; there will eventually be something for just about every […]

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Pig Snoot available

Pig Snoot available, originally uploaded by Meetzorp. Knowing that such a thing as a “Pig Snoot Sandwich” exists in this world makes me just that little bit happier. Knowing that I don’t have to eat such a thing as a “Pig Snoot Sandwich” makes me even happier still. Taken on the ACME saturday ride through […]

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I done been tagged. So. 25 random things about me: 1. I think Bestiaries are incredibly cool. Ditto books of natural and unnatural history and pseudoscientific books about mythical beasts and beings. 2. I like popcorn, but without butter, just salt. 3. Fake butter flavor makes me want to yak, therefore most microwave popcorn gags […]

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heh, originally uploaded by Meetzorp. Except to point out that my dog is very cute. We had fun outside this morning. Ruby was a little worried about that whole snow thing last night, but by light of day, she seemed to think the back yard was an entirely new world to be explored, conquered, tasted, […]

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Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek, originally uploaded by Meetzorp. My most recent project is still under construction, but the fabric is so pretty I couldn’t resist taking a couple of pictures and sharing them. Is that brocade gorgeous or what?

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