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Daylight savings time is beginning, starting next Monday. Instead of grumbling about changing my clock/VCR/Nuker & losing an hour of sleep, I’m getting excited and hyper. Why, you might ask? Because FRIZ Season has returned! The time is upon us to drag out our old mountain bikes, dust off the Frisbees, and go ride around in circles in Mill Creek Park, trying to complete (or intercept) the Friz, pick up dropped passes, not fall over, and not break anybody’s bike too badly!

I did a cursory investigation of Mill Creek Park today, and things look pretty good. If the weekend remains dry and the weather remains balmy, the inaugural Friz of the season is lookin’ to be pretty sah-weeet! This excellent action-shot is courtesy of Professor ChrisGo! That’s how it looks when you scoop up the Friz. I dunno ’bout anyone else, but I know I’m sure fired up! Friz is one of my favorite more-than-a-game/not-quite-a-sport activities. I’m way stoked to be looking at the start of yet another fun-filled season of falling off my bike in the company of friends. For the unitiated who want to attend, here’s the usual specs:

  • When: EVERY Monday (‘cept when the weather is ridiculously bad) @ 6:00 p.m. MTB Time until it’s too dark to see the frisbee.
  • Where: Mill Creek Park (KC Plaza – the park with the Horse fountain)
  • Why: Because it’s bigtime fun. Duh!

I encourage newbies to come on out. We’re kind to beginners, and most of the time, new players pick it up so quickly you’d never know they’d never Frizzed before.


Edited to add a YouTube clip – this isn’t the KC crew, but this is basically how the game looks:

Aaaaand here’s a link to a video of the KC crew in action. Thank you, Eric Rogers!

2 Responses to “Prepare to drop your seat and raise some hell!”

  1. planetmort says:

    That looks really fun. If I had the flexibility to actually bend over, that is!

  2. meetzorp says:

    I bet you could get there without too much work. And it is fun…heaping lots of fun. Makes a person actually look forward to Mondays. Monday evenings, at any rate.

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