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Category Archive for 'Other Bike Stuff'

Here I am, at 26 weeks, which is nearly done with the second trimester, or for people who are not up on all the pregnancy lingo shit, around six months along. I am now noticeably pregnant. People ask me when the baby’s due. He keeps up a fairly steady and vigorous march upon my bladder, […]

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I’ve been just rotten with the follow-through on this blog. Seriously. Couple of days ago I promised to rant about meditation, and there was something else I planned to write about and forgot to. Anyway, since I’ve got a lot of writing ahead of me, and my ideas have been a little thin on the […]

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Juniper Berry sachet, a photo by Meetzorp on Flickr. While running the dog, I found a bunch of windfall juniper berries today, so I completely filled my jacket pockets and made several juniper-berry sachets. I put this one in my lingerie drawer, ’cause delicates that smell of G&T are never the wrong answer.

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Well, well, it took a few days to “come down” from our trip to Austin, TX to the NAHBS of 2011. Lots to see and think over…and a crap-ton of pictures to upload, edit, and pick through. I’m going to start out right off the bat with my favorite bike of the show. The wife […]

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Well, well, well, well, well! Another Regatta has passed with no deaths, arrests, or maulings by invasive Asiatic Carp, so I guess we can chalk up yet another successful run down the Missouri. So last Thursday evening, our back porch looked like this. My neighbors love me. On Wednesday night, I was prowling throughout Strawberry […]

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On my way home from work today, I rode past some very busy fireworks stands in the West Bottoms. If you know Kansas City, you might know about James Street and the half dozen or so semi-abandond buildings that become explosives emporia in the week leading up to Independence day. Being as today is The […]

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This is written partly in response to Jacquie Phelan’s recent musings about where women fit into the cycling industry, and partly because I sometimes kick ideas around about my own “place” in the two-wheeled underground. I think part of the problem(s) that both Jacquie and Bike Hugger were addressing (1) (2) (3) stem from how […]

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I’ve been sewing a lot of knits lately (proof forthcoming in a future post) and it’s all been done without a hitch on my trusty old Singer 401A (best almost $20 I have ever spent in my entire life, ever). I simply use ball-tip needles so as not to snag the delicate knit fabric. Otherwise […]

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Cycling advocacy wonks like to call it “taking the lane.” I call it “riding in the fuck-you-position.” Also, “cockblocking.” As in, “that meatus in the Lexus who acted he like was going to run me over in the intersection was pretty pissed when I pulled into the ‘fuck you position’ and cock-blocked him for about […]

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So proclaimed Max, with perhaps a touch of pride. The past week’s snow made for super-sweet ski-biking, and last night a bunch of us dragged our contraptions out to Museum Hill and did what cabin-fevered mid-westerners do best…dumb things! The big, goofy red-and-yellow rig is Joel’s latest creation. Battered and weatherbeaten, “The Goat” is one […]

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