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Totes awesome

Sears Tote Cycle
This here is a 1960-something Sears Tote Cycle. I have a 1964 Sears catalogue up in the attic that shows a similar bike, offering options in a singlespeed, three-speed, and for an extra $70, you could get a Whizzer motor and have power assist.

The ridiculous ape-hanger handlebars are my addition. The bike originally had bars very similar to those on my little old lady bike, pictured below for reference:
suburban in all its glory

The Tote Cycle is without a doubt my least practical bicycle. Which means it is hilarious to ride it…so long as I don’t have to go over 10 miles in distance or per hour. When you get up any sort of speed, the front end gets a bit wobbly. And the only thing stopping this bike is a coaster brake, which is generally fairly insufficient to my type of needs. I actually tanked into the back of Christi yesterday. Fortunately, she was riding her folder, which is also a juggernaut, so neither of us nor our bikes were damaged.
Christi & the folder she built for herself.

The Tote Cycle of mine…technically I guess it’s a “break-away” rather than a folder. It is in no way hinged. It’s held together in the middle by a couple of wing nuts, and if for some reason one ever felt the need to take it in half, that’s where the action would happen. But I can’t really see why you’d want to. It would be hell to ship, and even in half it’s a rather long, gawky piece of work. Especially with my Ape Hangers. Which I discovered that when I stand and climb, come just below the elastic band of my bra. It’s a mercy I’m not more chestiferously endowed or that last climb up Strawberry Hill on my way home would have been even wobblier.

The Tote Cycle is in my life for its oddity factor, and that factor is high. Also the integrated rack is exactly the size of a case of beer, so it could be a charming bike to ride to parties.

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