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Tag Archive 'amateur stock car racing'

Some people might think less of me on account of this, but I’ve got a shameful confession to make: I’m a racing fan. Not the big-bucks NASCAR circuit, nor the big-bucks F1 racing, nor the big-bucks NHRA drag-racing type. No, I’ve a major sentimental spot for low-budget, DIY stock-car racing, as enacted every Sunday, Sunday, […]

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So it came to pass in the early spring of 1991, that my family hauled home a wrecked, filthy, and decaying Karmann Ghia. Soon, Dad and a group of his buddies set upon stripping the car down and cutting out some extraneous bits, absence of which would greatly improve the Ghia’s potential as a racecar. […]

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The car was ready to drive by mid-season, and so Dad registered it #48 for the year of his birth, 1948. First season’s performance was pretty miserable, as everyone’s first season is. You’re still getting used to the idea of driving as fast as you possibly can while turning to the left. The car’s still […]

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