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Category Archive for 'nostalgia'

I was thinking about the Ten Albums that Defined Your Teen Years thread that’s going around. I am going to be a sad-ass and admit I don’t have a roster of ten albums. I listened to a lot of different music, depending on my mood. I was, to the largest extent, a pretty basic metalhead. […]

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Snow Days

So, we got a little over a foot of snow on Tuesday. I had a bunch of running around I was supposed to have been doing on both Tuesday and Wednesday, but was able to re-schedule all of it. It’s not that I can’t drive in the snow. It’s that I don’t like driving in […]

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So, in 1993, I was a the wee slip of a girl you see above, clambering joyously aboard a car-hauler to inspect her Very Own Car. Most teenagers dream of their first set of wheels, and have quite specific ideas about what their dream car is. Most never do get their hands on their dream […]

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Oh, so many years ago, before I moved to Kansas City, I made a road-trip here with some college friends to visit a couple of other college friends who were already living here. On the trip back home, we pulled off the Interstate somewhere in the back of beyond in central Nebraska to re-fuel the […]

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I climbed up to the shelf above the closet in my sewing room today to get some crap down from “the archives” (or rather the boxes of accumulated crap that represents the criminal evidence of my youth). I needed my old cassette tape collection for reasons. Okay, by reasons, I mean that I felt like […]

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One of the features of the Holidailies project is that you can get daily writing prompts to keep your creative fires stoked throughout the month. This is quite an excellent service, but one of which I am unable to avail myself. Prompts tend to bring on heroic bouts of writer’s block for me. I trace […]

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Flat-Fold Cargo Area

My first experience with the practical potentials of the import hatchback came sometime in the mid-1980s, when a friend’s mom bought a nearlyh-new Honda Civic, not unlike the one my mother-in-law owns: the famous DX, a photo by Meetzorp on Flickr. Only Mike’s mom’s car was the blueish-silver color that all the Civics that weren’t […]

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Sunny Side Up

Did you ever not-buy something and later wish you’d bought it? When I was about 12 or 13, I talked myself out of buying a fantastic novelty brooch, a piece of costume jewelry from the early 1950s. It was a tiny, blue enamel plate with a bacon-and-eggs breakfast executed in enamel and rhinestones (the yellow […]

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(NB: This is expanded from a comment I left at Fussy.org) Look at this kid? Does she look to you like a young’n whose métier is selling crap, or does she look like a kid who’d slink off to one or another of several semi-secret hideaways and draw paper dolls or read Little House Books? […]

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Saw one of these down in the West Bottoms today, only the one I spotted was a really tasty shade of wine red. Similar solid, original, but grubby condition. I’ll take my camera tomorrow and see if I can snap a decent shot of it on my way home from work. It really was a […]

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