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Category Archive for 'Imports from old blogs'

Before. Progress continues over at my mother-in-law’s house. Pretty soon we’ll be able to begin on re-configuring it. I’ll try to find my grid paper and draw out the original configuration of the house, how it was before I began demolition, and how it will be when it is done. But for now, feel free […]

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Let me be the first to admit I'm woefully lacking in pop-cultural knowledge. Therefore it should come as no surprise that I was unaware, until moments ago, that the mythical creature known as an Underpants Gnome originated with South Park. I figured the little bastards transcended place, time, and origin. Anyhow, the other night, I […]

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My camera started malfuncitoning a couple of weeks ago: The picture above was supposed to be of some really lovely dark red, orange, and yellow flowers I saw on a ride out Blue River Parkway, but as you can see, it is a weird pink image with “reversed” looking coloration. I initially thought maybe it […]

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I had a really gross dream last night, that I was at the grocery store and I found a display of these little shrink-wrapped loaves of a product called “artificial bacon”. I was intrigued and horrified, and went to the library and scoured several months of food and cooking magazines and learned that Bacon Substitute […]

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I've recently discovered I harbor a real passion for organization. I probably should have known it, really; I've always kept all of my books in alphabetical order, with multiple books by an author kept chronologically. Likewise for my music and movies. In college, I took an internship based on dating, identifying, labeling, then storing, by […]

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I heard one of my favorite sounds today as I was riding home from work–the sound of drill-team drummers doing their thing. I fell in love with drill teams shortly after having moved to Kansas City. The Marching Cobras were doing a fund-raising drive, and were performing out in the parking lot of the grocery […]

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Every time there is a bike wreck in town, every time a motorist strikes a cyclist, every time there is an injury or a death, I wonder, “Who was that…is it somebody I know?” People ask me the same questions. “Did you know him?” or “Who was she?” North Kansas City police work to identify […]

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East side standoff ends shortly after midnight Police say a standoff ended peacefully early today in the vicinity of 6th and Hardesty on Kansas City's east side. The incident began at about 7 p.m. Thursday when shots were fired near 6th and Hardesty, police said. When officers arrived they found a 26-year-old man wounded. He […]

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Well, the police, police-cars, and “Police Line Do Not Cross” tapes are gone. Now my street is swarming with news vans and reporters. This is so not awesome the light from awesome would not reach this within any of our lifetimes.

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There's too much shooting in my neighborhood.  I guess somebody got killed this afternoon.  This isn't the first time.  It's the damn crackhead apartment complex at the foot of the street.  My block is closed off, swarming with cops, and there appears to be a standoff.  This is beyond not cool.  I bet it's related […]

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