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Unexpected oddities

One, one journal entry!

Two, two journal entries!

Three, three journal entries!

Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaaah!

*lightning flash*

*thunder clap*

So, today I splurge out and upload those two journal entries I wrote over half a month ago, and ramble randomly in this one.

When I was a kid, I always wondered what Count from Sesame Street ate. Ovbiously he’s got the pointy teeth-thing going, like a blood-sucking vampire, but that is definitely too scary for little kids. I remember one time Cookie Monster tried to give Count some cookies, but Count counted the cookies and Cookie Monster ate the cookies. That’s the only time I can remember Count ever being connected with any sort of foodstuff. Snuffy ate cabbages, and Big Bird at birdseed, and Bert & Ernie ate the same stuff regular people do, and Oscar ate spinach ice cream. Well, yesterday, while showering I had in inspiration into what might nourish Count from Sesame street. I think he sucks all of the positive energy out of normal numbers and makes them negative numbers. He could hook his pointy teeth into, say, a 9, and *sluuuuurp* afer a good long pull, it is a -9. It is a theory, anyway.

Ooooh, speaking of weirdness, I had the oddest dream last night. I dreamt my sister was dating Guy Fawkes. Yes, the late-Renaissance, Catholic terrorist who tried to explode the houses of Parliament with barrels of gunpowder. I have NO idea where that dream came from. I generally have pretty odd dreams, but this is definitely the strangest to date. It was kind of a Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure scenerio, as Guy Fawkes had somehow been transported through the ages to 2003, and landed in Omaha, NE apparently. Bizzaro.

In other oddball news, I got absolutely entranced with the most unlikely reading material at work today.

I read, from cover to cover, the geotechnical report spec book from a recently completed office building site. All 70+ pages of core samples, soil aggresiveness analysis, depths to bedrock, water table statistics, waterproofing/anti-corrosion resources. I found it strangely fascinatng. The soil sample analysis was reminiscent of the soil analysis stuff I learned in my Intro to Archaeology coursework in grad school. I felt so proud of myself for being able to read this manual and basically understand what was going on, too. I remembered enough of the geological terminology I had learned in science classes in the past to understand quite a bit of the unfamiliar material in context, and whoever had done the tech-writing was really good at his or her job. Clear, concise, precise. It was a really good geotechnical survey manual. I amused myself quietly all day at work reading the thing, and managed to look like I was working on closing out the project file! Yay, me.

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