Feed on

Hooooo doggies. My life lends nothing new and exciting, so I shall keep the “what I did today” section of the entry brief. I awoke before any sane and normal person would consider it reasonable. I went to work and set up building inspections all day long. I checked out a couple of interesting houses on my way home, I came home and made soem bread dough, which I will bake in another 40 minutes.

Tomorrow, being Saturday (yay!) will be devoted in part to errands, but they will be kind fo fun errands. I'll be going thrifting for more work clothes for The Mr., and I will be dropping around $30 +/- at Prydes and possibly the Home Despot on flowerpots and potting soil. Then I'll be repotting all my plants that need it. When I get done playing in the dirt, I think I'll work on my Buffy coat, as it is coming up on coat wearing weather and I think I'll be able to wear it about as soon as I finish it.

So, on to the household helpers' hints from hell.

14 (more or less) uses for an out-of-season inflatable hippopotamus pool float.

1. Fill the inflatable hippopotamus pool float with sand and use it as a draught excluder along your sitting-rooom door.

2. Place the inflatable hippopotamus pool float in your bathtub, taking care to tuck it into the corners, as a means of conserving water by reducing your bathtub's holding capacities.

3. Paint the inflatable hippopotamus pool float with tromp l'oeil dahlias and display it in any convenient bay window, as a reminder that springtime will once again return.

4. Attatch the inflatable hippopotamus pool float to the inside of your bedroom closet door by means of an elastic rope, and use it to co-ordinate your choice of accessories for each day's outfit.

5. Keep the inflatable hippopotamus pool float in the trunk of your car, and use it as a safety flag, in case of emergency. If anything will induce a passing motorist to slow down and take note of your plight, the scintillations of an out-of-season inflatable hippopotamus pool float will do so admirably.

6. Fill the inflatable hippopotamus pool float with mustard for a witty, durable, thought less-than accurate condiment dispenser.

7. When getting a cut and perm, the inflatable hippopotamus pool float can be used as a stole, preventing clippings going down your collar, and protecting your neck from the intense heat of the helmet dryer.

8. Arrange the inflatable hippopotamus pool float, a lemon, three tin pans, a turkey feather, and a half dozen honey locust pods on a low, durable, colorful plastic tub. Allow any number of pre-schoolers to come in and manipulate these objects as they like. Film the entire endeavour and send it off to the University of Wisconsin as the ceremonial piece of your Master's Thesis.

9. Improvise!

10. Have Fun.

11. Talk amongst yourselves.

12. Exemplify the inflatable hippopotamus pool float lifestyle.

13. Float?

14. Slip gradually and soothingly into purple-rubber-spotted, bouyant insanity.

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