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My insane love of musical covers and parodies strikes again!

The original. “oh. my. god, Becky!” I think I will never get over the amusement of Sir Mix A Lot prancing around on that huge plaster ass.

The Jonathan Coulton version. Folktastic!

Richard Cheese & Lounge Against The Machine – the lounge-lizard version (live)

Aaaand, I’ve saved the silliest for last:
The Gilbert & Sullivan version. This never grows old. Ever.

3 Responses to “Big Butts (four varieties)”

  1. Maggi says:

    Jonathan Coulton FTW!

  2. Audrey says:

    Alex loves that sir mix a lot song and you’ll find this perfectly innocent little 7 year old singing very proudly and loudly ‘I LIKE BIG BUTTS’!

  3. […] covers are among my least favorite musical things. Whimsical covers, like the various takes on Baby Got Back but these…good god, it’s worse than the 1980s mania for Hair Metal covers of 1950s pop […]

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