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It's baby Ruby!

DSCN1168, originally uploaded by joeldyke.

She adopted us this past weekend. Joel’s mom and I were looking at some pictures I’d taken from The Dimebag Show (Melissa had made a pair of carousel bookends out of re-purposed, embellished ceramic toilet-paper-holders ).

Anyhow, we were looking at the pictures when Joel, who’d been doing something outside, tapped on the window and told us to come around back and see what was out there. What was out there was a very scared, very cute, burr-laden and weary puppy. Joel was unable to track down an owner and got pretty grim tidings from the local shelters and rescue agencies. Nobody had reported a missing pup of her description to Animal Control, the city pound, or the no-kill shelters and nobody in the neighborhood was missing a dog, either. Since she was awfully sweet and obviously in need of some love, we decided to keep her. Joel took her in to the vet for her first round of vaccinations, a flea treatment, and de-worming. Other than being underweight from her time as a stray and a little wimpy from her infestations, the vet gave her a pretty clean bill of health and told Joel to bring her back in two months for spaying.

Meet Ruby. She’s approximately 4 months old, precisely 22lb right now (and awfully boney) and appears to be primarily of Australian Shepherd ancestry. She’s slowly settling in..still a little tentative, kind of low-energy from malnutrition, fleas, and worms, but getting a little more comfortable. She and Griz seem like they will be buddies. Smallcat doesn’t like her much, but Smallcat is a cranky old baggage and we don’t pay much mind to her hissing and grumping anymore.

I think we’re going to have a lot of fun as Ruby comes out of her shell more and gets settled in.

8 Responses to “It's baby Ruby!”

  1. celiathepoet says:

    She’s so pretty! Best of luck.

  2. Doug says:

    Sweet! Pretty little puppy!
    Good lick with her…

  3. afeline says:

    YAY! I’m sure she’ll quickly become a happy, happy puppy when she rests up. So glad you were able to give her a good home!

  4. themis says:

    Aw, a liver-colored Aussie shep pup! She is gorgeous, and I bet she’s really grateful to be rescued. I have always thought that dogs who were once in a bad way never forget. They always wind up more eager to please and better behaved.

  5. Julie Stark says:

    I’m so happy for you guys! Congratulations – she is so cute. What fabulous luck!!

  6. meetzorp says:

    Thanks so much! The little rascal is settling in pretty well; she’s feeling more at home and a little healthier tonight. She actually tucked into a pretty good dinner which should do marvels for her energy levels.

    We’re pretty stoked, even though we hadn’t expected to have a dog RIGHT THE HECK NOW.

  7. Poodle says:

    She’s so pretty! Congratulations!

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