Feed on

That’s a slogan you hear often during Bike To Work week. It’s one you hear pretty frequently amongst hardcore cycle-commuters and bike nerds in general. It’s a pretty succinct way of summing up the whole bike-commuting/bike-dork life.

I was out making the rounds this afternoon, doing promo for Pedal Powered Potluck Picnic: The Sequel after work today. I wanted to take fliers around to the local bike shops and start getting the word out on the street. I’ve visited ACME, Midwest, Volker, Broadway Cafe and Family Bicycles. Tomorrow I’ll swing by River Market, and on Saturday I’ll take some out to Trek. I’ll prevail upon Joel to take a fistful of fliers out to Bike Source with him tomorrow, too. I’ve posted on Earthriders, here, and will do a bulletin on Myspace, too, as well as bumps when the event gets nearer.

Anyway, it occurred to me that it made sense that I was riding around to all of my destinations tonight. Not just because that’s how I get around town, but because I was promoting a cyclist’s cycling picnic. It seemed to have a pleasant symmetry to go on a bike ride to promote a bike ride.

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