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Category Archive for 'Schwinn Debutante'

I own a 1953 Schwinn Debutante, a bicycle which is delightfully pretty and gloriously impractical: This is not a bicycle you ride if you are in a hurry. I’ve wheeled it out for two special occasions so far this year. It was a belle of the ball on St. Patrick’s Day. To go with my […]

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Random Kansas City

There are some days and in some places, where Kansas City just looks really beautiful to me. This view down Baltimore toward 9th is one I particularly enjoy. This low-slung art-deco yellow brick building in the Crossroads area is another sight that caught my eye that particular day I was out cruising. Another day, another […]

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That’s a slogan you hear often during Bike To Work week. It’s one you hear pretty frequently amongst hardcore cycle-commuters and bike nerds in general. It’s a pretty succinct way of summing up the whole bike-commuting/bike-dork life. I was out making the rounds this afternoon, doing promo for Pedal Powered Potluck Picnic: The Sequel after […]

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Probably the image I will use on the flyer, originally uploaded by Meetzorp. You like to ride, you like to eat, and you like to socialize, right? Well, here’s a great opportunity to do all this and more. Pedal-Powered Potluck Picnic: The sequel! Where: Roanoke Park (meet @ Acme Bicycle Company, 412 E. 18th St., […]

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I was looking at a collection of charming vintage videos at thesmokinggun.com, of all places, and saw this one, which is a review of swim and leisurewear from sometime in the early 1950s, and noted that the girls who ride out toward the end of the video do so on a fleet of Schwinn cruisers […]

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