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Category Archive for 'Party'

I’ve been just rotten with the follow-through on this blog. Seriously. Couple of days ago I promised to rant about meditation, and there was something else I planned to write about and forgot to. Anyway, since I’ve got a lot of writing ahead of me, and my ideas have been a little thin on the […]

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Saturday, July 14, 2012, I was up and at ’em at the crack of 7:00 a.m. By golly, I had shit to do, and a finite amount of time in which to do it. I had provisions to lay in, prizes to prepare, and most importantly, I needed to go scavenge up a few more […]

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I own a 1953 Schwinn Debutante, a bicycle which is delightfully pretty and gloriously impractical: This is not a bicycle you ride if you are in a hurry. I’ve wheeled it out for two special occasions so far this year. It was a belle of the ball on St. Patrick’s Day. To go with my […]

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I’m pretty much ready for the Kansas City Tweed Ride. I’ve got an awesome bike: And now I have an awesome outfit: The outfit has many parts, none of which were originally planned to go together, but all of which actually do. There are three things I didn’t make. 1. Blouse (GAP) 2. Socks (Target) […]

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Massive big fun at ChrisGo’s Urban Cyclocross race. My only goal had been to get completely filthy. I pretty much completely ate it in the practice lap, and then collected splashback for the next four laps, so by the time it was all over, I made crunching noises when I moved. Fortunately, those jeans I […]

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I know Photoshopped lens-flare (and perhaps lens-flare in general) is considered incredibly naff, but I swear this happened by accident, and I don’t care how much of a technical fault it is, I think it looks pretty cool in this context. I was going back through my Flickr account and deleting some crap pictures and […]

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Well, well, well, well, well! Another Regatta has passed with no deaths, arrests, or maulings by invasive Asiatic Carp, so I guess we can chalk up yet another successful run down the Missouri. So last Thursday evening, our back porch looked like this. My neighbors love me. On Wednesday night, I was prowling throughout Strawberry […]

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On my way home from work today, I rode past some very busy fireworks stands in the West Bottoms. If you know Kansas City, you might know about James Street and the half dozen or so semi-abandond buildings that become explosives emporia in the week leading up to Independence day. Being as today is The […]

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I decided to not do the Dirty Kanza 200 this year. As it turns out, I really didn’t have that much fun the last two times I did it, and for pity’s sake, riding 200 miles alone on the dusty dirt roads of the Ass-Back of Kansas is optional. So, I’ve decided that I’m going […]

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So proclaimed Max, with perhaps a touch of pride. The past week’s snow made for super-sweet ski-biking, and last night a bunch of us dragged our contraptions out to Museum Hill and did what cabin-fevered mid-westerners do best…dumb things! The big, goofy red-and-yellow rig is Joel’s latest creation. Battered and weatherbeaten, “The Goat” is one […]

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