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Welcome mat found on street on my way home last Friday
I was on my way home from work last Thursday and saw this on the street. Of course I turned around, rolled it up, and bunjied it to the package rack of the old yellow Bianchi. Fortune favored the prepared that day; not only was I riding a bike with a rack, I also happened to have a couple of bunjie cords in my bag. Joel and I had been talking about the need to get a door mat for the front porch, so I’d have been seriously amiss if I’d passed this one up. Plus, I think it’s kind of pretty, for something to wipe your shoes on!

As I rolled through the West Bottoms after collecting my floor mat, I noticed something blowing along the street ahead of me. And it didn’t look like the usual stray grocery bag. So I caught up to it, and what did I find?
silk scarf found on the street in the West Bottoms
A vintage silk scarf with a pattern of Zinnia-esque orange flowers. It was a little grubby, but a nice hand-wash with Dawn dish soap brought it right back around!

silk scarf detail
Maybe they’re meant to be strawflowers? I’m not sure, but in any event, I sure like this print and the colors.

The next day, on my way to work, I saw a book lying alongside Beardsley Rd., just south of the 12th St. Viaduct. I stopped to see what it was:
Novel found alongside Beardsley Road on my way to work on Thursday
Sweet! A hardcover copy of what is arguably Cather’s most popular novel. And in good shape, too. I didn’t have a copy of this one, and it’s one I remembered having liked a great deal when I read it in high school, so I was happy to find this one. I’ll be re-reading it shortly.

purses found tonight on my way home in an alley in the Crossroads
I’m not a big purse-and-shoes girl, but I found these two in an alley in the Crossroads district on my way home from work on Sunday. The canvas one with the green and yellow isn’t really “me” but I am strangely fond of the little pink, sari-esque bag.

In the course of my adventures I’ve developed a weather eye for scavenging. I’m always slightly on the lookout, and whenever it is at all possible, I try to check out anything interesting that I come upon. I also try to have at least some means of toting fresh treasures home, in the event that I discover some. These habits have netted me clothes, household goods, tools, a blow torch, and enough pop bottles to build a boat.

I may not have many special talents and powers, but I must say that I’m making out pretty well with the few that I’ve got.

2 Responses to “Fortune favors the prepared”

  1. gloria stitz says:

    SCORE!!Especially that nice clothbound Cather book! WHew!
    and the zinnia/strawflower with candy in center.

  2. julie says:

    These treasures just seem to fall into your lap! Awesome! I just read My Antonia for the first time last month and I liked it a lot. I wasn’t sure I would b/c I’ve never read any Willa Cather. I was pleasantly surprised. I think the scarf is awesome.

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