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Category Archive for 'Photo entries'

On year later:

Same baby, same car-seat, same pose, one year apart. On 7-13-13, we got to bring young Joseph home. The photo on the left was from his “car-seat-challenge” at the NICU, to make sure that his heart rate or breathing wouldn’t be hampered by being positioned in the car-seat. The photo on the right was from […]

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Complete with bat, of course. Here is my new sewing room. Is it not glorious? Let us revel in the glory. Rev-rev-rev-rev-revel. Aaaah! It is also where my computer and excessive collection of shitty romance novels live. For if-and-when I re-acquire the free time to re-start my shitty romance novel review blog. Right now, I […]

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A few years ago, I picked up a couple of yards of this crazy printed cotton jersey and made myself a dress: There it is on the dressmaker’s dummy. And here it is, on the dressmaker. I was rummaging through my scrap bag the other day looking for a piece of red corduroy I needed […]

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So, in 1993, I was a the wee slip of a girl you see above, clambering joyously aboard a car-hauler to inspect her Very Own Car. Most teenagers dream of their first set of wheels, and have quite specific ideas about what their dream car is. Most never do get their hands on their dream […]

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With a little scrounging, a little thrift-shopping, and a little swearing, I got the tree all festive today. Didn’t get to shoot anything at it via compressed air, however. Maybe next year. I started ratting around in my craft-crap bins and realized that I had a crapton of tinsel garland that I’d pulled out of […]

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I guess I’m going to try to find us a Christmas tree tomorrow. They’re usually pretty much going begging in the thrift shops. I wasn’t going to bother this year; I have never done holiday decorations in my whole adult life and I figured Joseph is too little to really know any difference, but I […]

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I did a light refurb on an old woodstove this past autumn. The stove, in fact, is now situated in my living room, though is not yet hooked up, as we’ll need to line the chimney first which is likely to be a fairly expensive undertaking. This stove is an Danish contraption from the 1970s, […]

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Hadn’t realized what was printed on the bag until after I’d finished cleaning the cat-boxes…

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Well, hell. I’m getting that mid-winter hairdo restlessness once again. Right now, my hair is just about jaw length. Basically, it is like this, but with bangs, and brown instead of red. This is an old picture, but I can’t be bothered to take a new one, so imagination will have to suffice. I am […]

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Well, I completely forgot about logging in and posting anything yesterday. Pretty much this is what the bulk of my day consisted of. Pressure-cooking beans. Then Joel and I went out to dinner, came back home, and watched Smokey And The Bandit, which Joel had borrowed from the library. Today, I began the annual holiday […]

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