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Category Archive for 'bike commuting'

I rode my bike to work today. Many of you are like, “yeah, so what…you always ride your bike to work,” but the fact of the matter is. I have a job to ride to. It’s very, very, very part time, but. I have eight hours a week where I am being paid for my […]

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IMG_2718, a photo by Meetzorp on Flickr. Because I was working on this You may well ask what in the name of heck it is, and I will answer that question right away. It should be, with a bit of good fortune, a waistcoat made out of six neckties braided together. To make it, you […]

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Let’s just clear the air and start with “animosity,” since alphabeticaly it’s the first, and it will be the predominant theme of this entry anyway. I feel a lot of damn animosity toward taggers, especially those who just scrawl gang tags, names, or slogans all over the place. And I double-hate stencillers, especially those who […]

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I expect that most of the people who saw me, and especially the four teenaged skateboarders over by Penn Valley Park, were thinking, “what the hell is that crazy lady doing?” I expect I elicit that question often. I encountered an abandoned rug on my way home from Friz tonight and decided I’d just as […]

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On my way to work this morning, I saw a dog who reminded me of Billy Connolly’s “wee brown dog.” It wasn’t wee, as such, mind you. He was upper-mid-sized, probably around 60lb, lanky and leggy, probably a pit-bull and labrador mix. He was a tawny buff color, with a white chest, white feet, and […]

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If you haven’t seen the “murmuration of starlings” video on the Internet yet, first things first, go and do it. It is beautiful and impressive and a testament to the wonders and glories of nature. It is also…how to put it…gratifyingly devoid of flying guano. Now, then. This morning, on my way to work, I […]

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Seriously not safe for work. This post features content of a dirty, big rubber penis I found alongside of the road. I hope you consider this fair warning.

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So, on my ride to work today a driver pulled a nasty trick which seems to be a particular Kansas City specialty. This guy took a wrong turn…pulled in to the Community College campus off 31st Street when he probably meant to take a right on to Broadway. So, instead of cutting through campus to […]

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In Anne of Avonlea, Anne has a lousy day, which starts off when she wakes up with a toothache and goes downhill from there. She gets to work (she’s a schoolteacher at this point) the heating stove refuses to draw, resulting in a cold, smoky classroom. The kids are all plagued with midwinter cabin fever […]

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I pass by this church every morning on my way to work, and every morning, I get a wee case of the grumpies from this: The first half zillion times I passed by it, I just thought, “oh, a phone box. You don’t see many of those around anymore. Darn convenient when you do need […]

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