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Hello, Bee-Bee

Well, I guess you’d guess by my rarely-changed header image that I like bees.

It’s true, I do. Especially the really furry, busy, buzzy, chubby bumble-bees. The fuzzier and bumblier, the better.

One of the first really good picture I ever took with my digital camera (please humor me in that it’s “good”) was a picture of a bumbler working over one of the zinnias in the front flower bed at my old house in the Northeast section of town:
This is my absolute favorite among the pictures I have ever taken.

From the same day/session/bee, here’s another angle, where you can see the bee’s face:
bee's face

Last week, I revisited the bee-and-zinnia theme with my newer digital camera, a Canon Powershot G9 (my old camera is a Powershot A70, which sill works, but is frustratingly slow, though it does take really nice pictures – I think its sensor is actually maybe nicer than the one in the G9, just the rest of its inner workings are a little creakier).

Without further ado, please enjoy some bees and zinnias.

Here is another bee’s face…One of the reasons that I bought the G9 was that its macro capabilities were highly rated. The ratings were not undeserved, I think!

This bee is much furrier than the one above and more yellow. I notice as I take more bee pictures that bees are as individual in their appearance as any other living thing. Sure, there’s a limited arrangement of colors and features you’ll see…they’re more consistent in their appearance than, say, dogs, but each bee is a distinct little critter.

Here’s a honeybee, pollen anointing her leg joints, digging in for the edibles.

This bumbler’s tattered wings makes me think she’s seen quite a few expeditionary runs.

Same bee, head on. She was debonairly dusted with pollen – not too hung up on remaining pristine and tidy.

Not a bee – instead, here is a tiny green grashopper with pollen stuck to its mandibles:
There's pollen on its mandibles.

And here’s a yellow butterfly whose body is shadowed through its wings.

3 Responses to “Hello, Bee-Bee”

  1. Julie says:

    Very nice! Thanks for making me smile : )

  2. Lisa says:

    Lovely things, bees are.

  3. Heather says:

    Last week, two bumblebees, each the size of an adult vole, hung out with me on a porch for a while — it may be that part of the country (in PA) because I also saw the largest dragonfly I’ve ever seen. I especially like watching honeybees/wasps/hornets cleaning their faces like cats.

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