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I need to dig up and move the tulips around this fall. They didn’t do for crap this year…they’re getting worked too deep into the earth, I think. Plus, the only type I have are these yellow/red hybrid stripey buggers.

Not that they’re not pretty, mind you. It’s just that there are other gorgeous and dramatic and astounding varieties.

Once more from the top.

Some things, of course, are not tulips at all, but are irises. I’m crazy about irises. They’re the late-spring flower of my heart, while zinnias make me giddy with psychedelic color glee come late summer.

Irises, as seen from above.

Paging Georgia O’Keefe, paging Georgia O’Keefe. Need authorization for a gynacological close-up of a flower.
(yes, I think one might gather that a flower is a hotbed of reproductive fervor.)

Better quality view of the soft, fuzzy interior of an iris, but not as artistically aligned. Another, from the back.

Glamorous, satiny iris buds. Before they were stars.

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