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Category Archive for 'Garden'

I went on a dual-purpose ride today. First objective was to give the dog a run: Second objective was to scavenge up as many ripe mulberries as I could: I made an scouting trip yesterday with the dog, and just snacked on mulberries as I find them, but made plans to come back again…with tupperware! […]

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This summer, the thing that has done the best in my garden is the lavender. Most specifically, the lavender in the northwest garden box. So I’ve been drying sprigs of it in the bedroom. I’ve shared out some of my floral bounty with several friends, as well as made myself a couple of little sachets. […]

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9-25-2005, a charmed day

The day I took my favorite photo to date was a charmed day – some days are. There’s no predicting which ordinary day will turn out to be extraordinary, but that was one of those days when the insects, zinnias, and I were somehow operating in perfect harmony. I’d gone out around midday on a […]

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Baba Ghanoush Success!

I have just made the best baba ghanoush I’ve ever made so far in my life. Fresh, fresh, fresh eggplant right out of the garden, grilled over the embers of a backyard bonfire is probably the main reason it turned out so well. I grilled up two of the eggplants I found the other day, […]

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We planted eggplants! Who knew?, originally uploaded by Meetzorp. I didn’t realize that I had an eggplant plant until today. I was weeding after about a two-week lapse (shameful) and saw, lo! Eggplants! I don’t remember planting eggplant, so Joel must have, unless this is somehow a volunteer. This is the eggplant that tipped me […]

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Last night I went up to Joel’s house to help harvest basil, make pesto, and tear down the ceiling in the living room. He helped me with the outrageous job of removing wallpaper from my living-room ceiling, so I really felt like I owed him. I got up there around 5:30, did a little pottering […]

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Well, well, what’s been up… Hah, quite a bit, really. I’m starting to get over my winter blahs, thanks to the weather having been so nice lately and the days getting longer. Moreover, I’ve imposed upon myself several projects to change things up a bit so I won’t be so bored, grumpy, dull, and frustrated. […]

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I have some monarch photos, too. My little flowerbed was a hotbed of insect activity yesterday. I also found some less showy yet still very cool critters, like: little brown moths! and grasshoppers. This ‘hopper was actually munching the zinnia it was sitting on. I don’t know if you can tell yet, but hot pink […]

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1. I’ve got four zinnias and a marigold blooming now, so the inundation of psychedellic floral color riots is drawing nigh. I can’t wait for my lot-wide hedge of orange, yellow, pink, and purple flowers to take off and start rioting. 2. The morning rain broke around 11:00 and at around 12:00 I decided the […]

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For ! I need to dig up and move the tulips around this fall. They didn’t do for crap this year…they’re getting worked too deep into the earth, I think. Plus, the only type I have are these yellow/red hybrid stripey buggers. Not that they’re not pretty, mind you. It’s just that there are other […]

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