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Oh look, a thingy!

Haha, it’s the Winter Solstice and true to form, I am desperately sick of my hairdo.

To be fair, I decided about a year ago, when I was first pregnant, to just go ahead and let it grow out as much as it could while I was all aflush with hormones and prenatal vitamins. And grow it did. Went from this:

to this:

in the span of about a year.

And now, because I have a short hair-attention span and a yen to do unfortunate things to my barnet in the wintertime, I am just itching for a new haircut.

I told Joel I am going to hold off making any decisions until the Vernal Equinox, not because of any astrological superstitious crap, but because I know I’m not quite right in my head until the days are longer. But what I am pretty sure is going to happen is that I am going to revert to my old standby, the Sue Perkins haircut. Short, choppy, side-parted, and kind of tufty, this has ultimately been the best-to-live-with sort of haircut for me.

sueperkins1 sueperkins2(good for girls with short attention spans!)

Yep, I’m pretty sure this will be happening.

Which is a darn sight better than this IMG_4609

2 Responses to “Oh look, a thingy!”

  1. Alissa says:

    Dunno, there’s something about the last one…

    I am the same way with my hair. At the moment I am wondering what would happen if I took to it myself. I am fairly sure it would turn out very badly, which is why I haven’t done that, but I still think about it.

  2. Meetzorp says:

    The haircut I had in the photo with the winter gloves was my own work. Though sometimes I have Joel cut my hair for me – he’s a damn fine barber for a bicycle mechanic!

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