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Category Archive for 'Holidailies 2013'

Last night, to end a very silly not-argument about the word “recidivist” and its proper spelling, I took to Joel’s gigantic dictionary, a Webster’s New Twentieth Century Unabridged Dictionary from 1972. After I’d won the argument (heh) I spent a bit of time just thumbing through the tome, because I like dictionaries and just randomly […]

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Oh look, a thingy!

Haha, it’s the Winter Solstice and true to form, I am desperately sick of my hairdo. To be fair, I decided about a year ago, when I was first pregnant, to just go ahead and let it grow out as much as it could while I was all aflush with hormones and prenatal vitamins. And […]

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Apologies to Maggie Mason and “Nobody Cares What You Had For Lunch.” I’ve long held that cold pizza is the ideal breakfast. Couple of slices of leftover pizza, fresh from the fridge, and a big, hot cup of coffee. Dunno if there’s a finer meal to start the day. Oh, sure, a fresh bagel spread […]

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In which I am an old man.

I’m doing a remarkably poor job of this Holidailies thing. I can and will cash in the excuse that I’ve got a teething baby in the house and most of our waking hours are filled with a peculiar fractious grunting noise which is slowly grating my nerves into coleslaw. I will be beyond pleased when […]

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Joel either read my blog or my mind, and came home last night with quite a nice fake tree, so we’re now ready to get Festive. I draped it in lights today, then failed to find the extension cord, so right now, the tree project is stalled out slightly. I’m actually going to re-arrange things […]

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I guess I’m going to try to find us a Christmas tree tomorrow. They’re usually pretty much going begging in the thrift shops. I wasn’t going to bother this year; I have never done holiday decorations in my whole adult life and I figured Joseph is too little to really know any difference, but I […]

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Oh, so many years ago, before I moved to Kansas City, I made a road-trip here with some college friends to visit a couple of other college friends who were already living here. On the trip back home, we pulled off the Interstate somewhere in the back of beyond in central Nebraska to re-fuel the […]

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I climbed up to the shelf above the closet in my sewing room today to get some crap down from “the archives” (or rather the boxes of accumulated crap that represents the criminal evidence of my youth). I needed my old cassette tape collection for reasons. Okay, by reasons, I mean that I felt like […]

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I finally heard the clue phone ringing and picked it up. Little chap is teething, of course. Drooling? Check. Gnawing fingers? Check. Biting whilst nursing? Check. Slight rash around mouth? Check. Shitty mood? CHECK. So, I’ve bought him some baby acetaminophen and a tube of baby Orajel, and we shall hope for the best. When […]

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One of the features of the Holidailies project is that you can get daily writing prompts to keep your creative fires stoked throughout the month. This is quite an excellent service, but one of which I am unable to avail myself. Prompts tend to bring on heroic bouts of writer’s block for me. I trace […]

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