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A couple of weeks ago, I went along with my boss and his assistant to assess a cleanup project in an offsite office, and we were taken down to the building basement to eyeball a bunch of old files and miscellaneous stuff they’d been storing for quite some while. While we were poking around, identifying, and inventorying their stuff, I spotted a brightly colored child’s purse, and picked it up, exclaiming over its cuteness and nostalgia value, for lo, the purse was a RAINBOW BRITE purse! (Incidentally, aren’t those colored letters annoying? I’m glad I don’t do all of my entries like I was a kid with one of those 20-color ballpoint pens.)

Now on to the good stuff–the pictures:

left–whole front view, right–whole view with mini-purse out of plastic pocket

Left–Closeup view of front with mini-purse out of pocket, Right–mini-purse closeup

Left–back of purse, Right–closeup of front with mini-purse in its pocket.

Anyway, the woman who had called us in to do the survey said it ws going to be thrown away anyhow, so if I liked it, I might as well have it. I thanked her enthusiastically and stowed it in my backpack. Ain’t it nifty?

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