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Category Archive for 'Travel'


IMG_4758, a photo by Meetzorp on Flickr. I decided to go back and exposure-correct this picture from Joel’s and my coast-to-coast trip today. We are standing in the rigging of the Adventure, a replica coastal trader ship which is part of the Charles Towne Landing living history site. This young fellow, whom I believe was […]

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Coordinated “set”

IMG_9041, a photo by Meetzorp on Flickr. In the past three years, I have found three different suitcases. Each is a different brand and color (or pattern) but somehow, they all look really good together! I meant to take the orange Samsonite along on our vacation to Chicago, but then we thought we were going […]

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Well, well, it took a few days to “come down” from our trip to Austin, TX to the NAHBS of 2011. Lots to see and think over…and a crap-ton of pictures to upload, edit, and pick through. I’m going to start out right off the bat with my favorite bike of the show. The wife […]

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Man, I’ve been just plain itching to go somewhere! Preferably on my bicycle, with all my necessary gear stuffed into panniers and/or bunjied on to a rack. What really kicked it into gear was meeting up with and hanging out with Jacquie Phelan & the 42-Below North team (and subsequently reading her blog and some […]

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On Sunday, Joel and I went out to Emporia to have another go at the Dirty Kanza course. As I’d helped mark the second half of the ride (the part I didn’t get to ride during the race) I was really excited to get to see it from the saddle. We were supposed to meet […]

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catch-up list

1. I got the new camera I’d been saving up for. I’m now the owner of a Canon Powershot G9. I’ve gone out and done some test shots to get used to it, but since my computer is in the shop right now, I can’t post ’em yet. Joel’s computer doesn’t recognize my camera, and […]

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Well, I may technically fail NaBloPoMo on account of not posting each of the entries I’m going to write during my stay in New Orleans, but I will write nightly my impressions of the trip, and I’ll get them up online when I get home. Since I’ve been having to tote this portly laptop all […]

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Today was largely a free-day, with the exception of a span of time in the evening during the event Grand Opening when we had to man the booth and start spreading the good word. The Grand Opening was a total zoo, but more about that later. Today, mostly, I had free rein to roam around […]

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I think I forgot to mention this yesterday, but people are <i>freaks</i> about giveaways at conventions. Seriously, people were just meandering around the convention hall, picking up schwag at random and in bulk. People were stopping at our booth asking, “what’s this,” then requesting to take three. It was astounding. People were wandering around with […]

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Well, we made it down there and we made it back, and we had a good damn time while out of town. Joel, Christi, & I left out of KCMO on Friday morning around 8:30 a.m. We made it down to Blanchard Springs in the early afternoon, giving us plenty of time to set up […]

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