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Category Archive for 'Take A Look At This'

Last night, to end a very silly not-argument about the word “recidivist” and its proper spelling, I took to Joel’s gigantic dictionary, a Webster’s New Twentieth Century Unabridged Dictionary from 1972. After I’d won the argument (heh) I spent a bit of time just thumbing through the tome, because I like dictionaries and just randomly […]

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I was goofing around on Flickr earlier this evening and came across three Daguerreotype photographs from the mid-1850s (probably, judging by the hairstyles and dresses) of women breastfeeding their babies. I thought that these three photos were quite beautiful as a tender moment was committed to a sheet of tin with the top technology of […]

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I did a light refurb on an old woodstove this past autumn. The stove, in fact, is now situated in my living room, though is not yet hooked up, as we’ll need to line the chimney first which is likely to be a fairly expensive undertaking. This stove is an Danish contraption from the 1970s, […]

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Because I like Top Gear and because I have a lingering fondness for drastically odd cars, I find myself browsing around in some of the more British sections of the motoring Interweb and today came across one of the most fascinating reviews of obscure, British three-wheeled cars. Now of course, even we Yanks know about […]

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Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Ms. Jacquie, I am now in possession of a mysterious Jacques Fath suit which probably dates to the early or middle 1950s. I make this estimate because Fath went out of business in ’57 and didn’t have a US-based boutique until after WWII. As you can see, the […]

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I took Ruby running in a shipping container wareyard today. She enjoyed splashing through the puddles and searching for rats, and I enjoyed the disorienting scenery. It felt like I was cavorting in a giant’s LEGO village. This looks like a tight fit, but I could easily ride my bicycle through this passageway. It is […]

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Just got back from taking Joel out for his birthday dinner, and I’m going to go and enjoy the rest of our evening together. I heard this monologue on Slacker radio today (I was listening to a medley of comics while doing some mind-numbing Adobe crap at work) and I completely thought of Joel and […]

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I was thinking about the Victorian & Albert Museum earlier, and especially about a particular section of the costume collection: the Heather Firbank dresses. She was of a well-to-do family and was quite fashionable and chic in her day. For example, this is a mourning dress. An extremely stylish, even kind of sexy mourning dress. […]

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Facebook. Freakin’ Facebook. It’s a love/hate website, that’s for sure. It’s fun to keep up with your friends, see your old schoolmates’ babies, check out your co-workers Spotify picks, hand out party invites, RSVP to same…it’s a daily ritual that many of us enjoy. Mostly. But Facebook has a habit of inventing new ways to […]

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So…the rubber penis is gone. It’s actually been gone a few weeks; it disappeared a few days after I photographed it. I shudder to imagine the circumstances of its departure. They can only be at least as, if not grosser than how it got there in the first place. Anyway, my world has not been […]

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