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Category Archive for 'Mountain Biking'

Not necessarily referring to “Permission to say ‘cock’” but permission to suck, as referenced in the article linked…here. I just get an inordinate amount of amusement from strong invective, especially as uttered by Top Gear’s own Captain Slow. So, the other day I was kind of freaking out because I signed up for another of […]

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Direct quote from a kid who’d stopped by Friz tonight to spectate. We were taking a break and chatting with the newcomer who’d voiced interest in the game. He was riding an IRO fixie, which would have been supremely difficult (if not somewhat dangerous) to try to play Friz on. So various among us were […]

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Apropos of pretty much nothing, Perez Prado’s “Patricia” popped into my head and stayed for the day while I was out riding the trails at Smithville yesterday. It’s a surprisingly good song to mountain bike to, actually.

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Last night, Joel and I went to Lawrence with a bunch of his co-workers to ride the River Trails. It’s a rare treat and one I go for every time it’s possible. The river trails are great for a mtb moron like me. They’re not rocky, just swoopy and twisty, which is pretty much my […]

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I’m not sure if I’m just a lousy cyclist, or if there’s a certain proportion of falling-over-per-mile that every cyclist averages and I’m simply fulfilling my quota. One way or another, I seem to be entering another of my streaks of wreckage, kicked off by a little offroad falling-over out at Lawrence when we got […]

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Just about here, now!

Been re-adjusting and re-configuring the site since I moved it from wordpress.com to meetzorp.com. I had to download and upload my preferred theme, and somehow it still looks a bit different, but it doesn’t suck, so I am okay with it. I kind of need to find my original header images, though, ’cause the version […]

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So, the Dirty Kanza looms ahead. This year, I’m gonna be prepared! This year, I am planning to team up with some riders who ride around the same sort of pace I do, and NOT GET LOST THIS TIME! I fully understand my limitations, chief amongst which is a complete and utter lack of direction […]

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There was a mountain bike race out at Landahl this past Sunday; “Truman’s Big Love” which would have been the championship race out of the Heartland series if over half of the rest of the scheduled races this season hadn’t gotten rained out. As we have finally had a good stretch of dry weather and […]

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Weekend Wrap-up part 2

How ridiculous is it that I’m writing about last weekend while the upcoming weekend looms before me? Anyway, on with the story: On Sunday we went up to St. Joseph for the Roubidoux Round-Up. Joel was helping with, as well as participating in the race, and I figured that since I was tagging along anyway, […]

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I had a 3-day weekend this past weekend due to Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Day. A 3-day weekend is always welcome – in fact, I wish they all were, considering as how I generally spend all of Saturday on the run, then Sunday doing basically jack. That Monday in a typical 3-day weekend is […]

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