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Category Archive for '“Greenie II”'

Massive big fun at ChrisGo’s Urban Cyclocross race. My only goal had been to get completely filthy. I pretty much completely ate it in the practice lap, and then collected splashback for the next four laps, so by the time it was all over, I made crunching noises when I moved. Fortunately, those jeans I […]

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I’ve been having the devil of a time finding a “safe” place to park my bike at my current job. My first two parking spots were awkward and/or obstructive, so finally one of the secretaries secured permission for me to park my bike in a storage room (the one I now nap in during my […]

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Today started out a little frustrating. I took off from home to head to work, and heard a weird noise coming from my back wheel. Turns out a staple had made itself at home in the tread of my tire. I tried to pull it out, but one of the ends broke off in the […]

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Good grief, I had one of those days! Due to basic laziness, I got a kind of late start heading out the the bank, but I figured that it would be no biggie, since they’re open until noon on Saturdays. So I headed downtown with my paycheck in hand, ready to take care of some […]

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IMG_7699, originally uploaded by Meetzorp. Joel slipped down to the basement today and put Greenie II together! I thought he’d gone over to James’s to cut some glass for his workshop, but instead he was putting my bike together. I took it on a test ride this afternoon, and it is 100% satisfactory and completely […]

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"Better" is "good’s" worst enemy., originally uploaded by Meetzorp. I accepted “good enough” as being good enough after I repaired the damages from my last attempt at “better.” Now it’s ready for the build. Joel often tells me “‘better’ is ‘good’s’ worst enemy” when I’ve jacked something up via my perfectionist tinkering. Of course it’s […]

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I had a pretty significant day on the bike today. I had a lot of errands to run, and I took the long route, so to speak, because I really needed to blow out the cobwebs. I think I got in the riding mode on Sunday night; Team Frank Stallone‘s Westport Roadie Douche Crit was […]

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