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Category Archive for 'Art Projects & Making Things'

  So, these are basically home-made Robeez. With nonskid soles, even.  I’d like to say this is because I am all craftsy and innovative and capable and shit, but to be perfectly honest, it’s largely because I somehow managed to lose my son’s actual pair of Robeez. McCall’s M6342 View I, to the rescue. Kiddo’s […]

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Complete with bat, of course. Here is my new sewing room. Is it not glorious? Let us revel in the glory. Rev-rev-rev-rev-revel. Aaaah! It is also where my computer and excessive collection of shitty romance novels live. For if-and-when I re-acquire the free time to re-start my shitty romance novel review blog. Right now, I […]

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>This is Joel’s line whenever he does something deliberately to annoy me. That masculine impulse to pester and tease apparently never goes away. From age 10, when they wipe a handful of rubber cement across your arm and pretend it’s snot, to when you’re 36 and they sneak up on you while you’re cooking and […]

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God, I am so crap at arts-n-crafts. I try not to be, but I am ultimately hamstrung by my unwillingness to buy supplies and my general hamfistedness. Thus I regularly am struck by some sort of artistic vision or seasonal hallucination and get Big Ideas about making something lovely, but what happens falls far, far […]

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Well, well. The last time I posted about diapers, I was quite, quite silly. The “doody diaper” resides in my Milk Crate Of Baby Stuff, and will, of course, be used, but so will this one: This was some novelty calico I bought out of the remnant basket at Bon Bon Atelier last year. I […]

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I’ve been jackassing around making purses lately, and this little thing, which was basically an experiment in scrap fabric, has turned out so well I’m actually pretty stoked about it. It’s an older Amy Butler print, and is scrap fabric leftover from a project I did for a friend four years ago. Other scrap from […]

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Some years ago, Christi and the Saturday Crew and I had been digging around in dumpsters, as you do, and I found this hat: It was completely ridiculous. I thought I might use it in a costume context or wear it ironically or something, but I never did. I’m a bit too old for ironic […]

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I did a light refurb on an old woodstove this past autumn. The stove, in fact, is now situated in my living room, though is not yet hooked up, as we’ll need to line the chimney first which is likely to be a fairly expensive undertaking. This stove is an Danish contraption from the 1970s, […]

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“I wish the diapers came with poop already on them..” Said no parent, EVER. So, of course, I had to make one! Apologies for the doody sloping downhill – I should have pinned it rather than free-hand stitched it in place. Then again, how anal do you really want to get about something that’s only […]

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So, the other day I posted this: which the astute among you might recognise as an old Tupperware box full of cookies shaped like pine trees. They are, in fact, a modified version of Neva’s Sugar Cookies, flavored with peppermint essence and run through the Mirro Cookie Press. Before I continue, I’d like to provide […]

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