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Category Archive for 'Playing With Weather'

If you haven’t seen the “murmuration of starlings” video on the Internet yet, first things first, go and do it. It is beautiful and impressive and a testament to the wonders and glories of nature. It is also…how to put it…gratifyingly devoid of flying guano. Now, then. This morning, on my way to work, I […]

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So…another Dirty Kanza 200 has come and gone, and I was on hand as a helper-varmint again, though this time as support crew for Joel and Wade. Which meant driving Joel’s pickup from one tiny Kansas town to another, with a 5-gallon water cooler in the back (as well as a cooler of food and […]

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As is well documented, one of my pet amusements is riding around town aimlessly with a camera in my bag, in case I see something cool to take a picture of. Last Saturday, I did. This here is a 1959 Chevrolet Corvette. I’d never seen one in person, so there were a lot of neat […]

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So…that’s basically the sound of my brain these days. Holy crap, April was pretty much a waste. We’ve been having one of those notoriously shitty Midwestern springtimes. Spring in this part of the country is really unabashedly rotten. After something on the order of 8,762 days of freezing ass hatefulness known as Winter, we all […]

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I know Photoshopped lens-flare (and perhaps lens-flare in general) is considered incredibly naff, but I swear this happened by accident, and I don’t care how much of a technical fault it is, I think it looks pretty cool in this context. I was going back through my Flickr account and deleting some crap pictures and […]

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Apparently we’re going to get our winter weather all in one go this year. It didn’t bother to snow or do much of anything but be cold and uninspiring throughout November, December, and the first half of January, so I am guessing that we’re getting all of the saved-up weather in one big chunk now […]

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I let Minnie outside for a little while today. Griswald is banned from the Great Outdoors because he always gets “the call of the wild” and tries to break for broader and greener pastures. Then I have to chase all over the neighborhood trying to recapture him. Also, he is very, very, very stupid and […]

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since I rode home from work in yet another BEAUTIFUL snowstorm. I had a monstrously shitty day at work today. It was almost all of the normal frustrations inherent in my job (and they are manifold and plentiful) times about 10 because of the snow storm. My job involves making transportation arrangements for people who […]

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Man, I had the BEST ride home from work today. It was snowing like all get-out and I have this crazy powerful headlight (a Niterider Tri-Newt) which was illuminating the swirling flakes. The streetlights were doing a pretty good job of it, too. It was snowing pretty heavily and was also windy, and with all […]

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Today started out a little frustrating. I took off from home to head to work, and heard a weird noise coming from my back wheel. Turns out a staple had made itself at home in the tread of my tire. I tried to pull it out, but one of the ends broke off in the […]

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