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Tag Archive 'demolition'

I started busting down my garage. Well, last weekend, my parents were down visiting, and they brought crowbars, too, and their might and tools combined with my might and tools means that This is now this. Thanks, Mom and Dad. Breakin’ things is a lot of fun! Also, this thing…it is way more than a […]

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So, I suddenly came down with a cold. Basically, Monday afternoon, around 3:00, I started feeling kinda raggedy. Stayed home sick today (Tuesday) and all indications are that I’ll be home sick tomorrow, considering that I can’t sleep and have been coughing so hard I almost puked. Anyway, on to brighter things. Thanks to the […]

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And on a similar tack, have you ever awakened and said, “Ah, today’s a good day to demolish the garage!” (a note about the garage–it was a carport that some wiseguy decided to enclose with cheapass chipboard sheathing, which quickly fell prey to the elements, including termites.) The garage and the back step were heavily […]

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