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Category Archive for 'Home Improvements'

I did a light refurb on an old woodstove this past autumn. The stove, in fact, is now situated in my living room, though is not yet hooked up, as we’ll need to line the chimney first which is likely to be a fairly expensive undertaking. This stove is an Danish contraption from the 1970s, […]

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Three months gone

So, I’m just about out of the first trimester, which is kind of weird. It should feel like a milestone, I think, but it really doesn’t. I think because I have been so fortunate and not had morning sickness, I hardly even feel pregnant, aside from my larger chest and, you know, having to pee […]

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Some freakin’ jackwagon gang-tagged the shed behind Nancy’s house last night at some point between 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. So, Joel and I went down to our basement lair, gathered up every partial can of spray-paint left over from every bicycle we’ve redecorated in the past decade, and fixed that shit. It’s not 100% […]

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Oh hell!

My dumb-ass decided to do Holidailies this year. Because I obviously love life, like a Chicken Lady. Goodness knows what I’m going to be telling all y’all, but for starters, I have been wreaking massive amounts of property damage on behalf of my beloved Mother-In-Law. That’s all I have for now, but tune in tomorrow […]

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What you see before you is my “new” stove, a 1950s-era Magic Chef gas range and oven which pretty much outclasses everything else currently residing in my kitchen. Never mind you that the new stove is currently residing on the back porch. It’s in good company. It’s got a disconnected Swedish woodstove and a mysteriously […]

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Joel redid our closet in the bedroom: Before (CROWDED) Also, I have the sartorial aesthetic of a 1970s sofa. after (much less cram-packed, easier to see what I have to wear) Joel’s side (and the shelves for sweaters & shoes in the middle) Another view of Joel’s side of the closet. This isn’t the first […]

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This past weekend was quite the social whirlwind. To start with on Friday night, the Frank Stallone boys had all sorts of shindigs going on. They did another roller race at the Cellar Rat, then rolled over to ACME to run a charity alleycat to raise money for Diabetes research! We didn’t get in on […]

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I went back over to my old house today to do some more cleaning and work. It was darnstupidfreezingasscold out there. Like a high today of 10F or similar. Whatever it was, it was ridiculously cold out. Like tears freezing on my eyelashes cold. Nonetheless, by the time I hit 12th & Paseo (a little […]

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Holey cow, man, was it ever a windy beast out there today! I grew up in northwestern Nebraska, where they consider 25mph winds a “breeze” so you would think I could handle a little wind. Well, to be honest, since I have been living in Kansas City for so long, I guess I have gotten […]

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I’ve had a general purpose disaster area for a workroom pretty much since I moved out of the apartment on Warwick. So basically for the past 6 years, give or take a few months, my workspace has been an explodey mess. In my old house, my workroom also doubled as “That Place Where I Put […]

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