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Category Archive for 'Distractions'

What is your blade? What is your red-hot match head? What mortifies your flesh to alleviate your spirit?
What reinforces your humanity in all its profanity?

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I was thinking about the Ten Albums that Defined Your Teen Years thread that’s going around. I am going to be a sad-ass and admit I don’t have a roster of ten albums. I listened to a lot of different music, depending on my mood. I was, to the largest extent, a pretty basic metalhead. […]

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Maybe what I am saying is that I should start taking the struggles for granted and when the smooth patches heave into view, I should land ’em like a victorious pirate captain, plant my flag, and celebrate like I have commandeered the finest shipment of Good Times on the high seas.

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I bought one of those little “idyllic townscape” rugs for my son’s bedroom, so that he can roll his toy cars around the streets, build on LEGO destinations, etc. When it arrived, I was quite pleased with its general idyllic-townness. For example, here’s a grocery store next to a stream and look at all of […]

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So. That happened. Though it may surprise a few of my friends, this was completely intentional. I’d been ambivalent about having kids for a very long time (obviously, as I’m 35 and pregnant for the first time) but now that it’s happened, I’m actually really excited. Like no second thoughts, no “oh-shit-what-have-I-done.” I’m just totally […]

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I’ve long been interested in utilitarian, economy cars. Since before I was old enough to drive, I considered the cheap, serviceable runabout fascinating. Of course, I was inclined to be biased; my Dad worked on air-cooled Volkswagens as a sideline job, and we had one as a family car from the early 1980s on. I […]

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Alternatively, it seems Antonia of “Yet Another Blooming Blog” wrote up a useful how-to. Sort of. Given the right mood and equipment, this can be remarkably effective: As you can see, it results in complete gratification for at least one participant.

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I’ve been just rotten with the follow-through on this blog. Seriously. Couple of days ago I promised to rant about meditation, and there was something else I planned to write about and forgot to. Anyway, since I’ve got a lot of writing ahead of me, and my ideas have been a little thin on the […]

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Saturday, July 14, 2012, I was up and at ’em at the crack of 7:00 a.m. By golly, I had shit to do, and a finite amount of time in which to do it. I had provisions to lay in, prizes to prepare, and most importantly, I needed to go scavenge up a few more […]

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I dreamed I helped put together a robot for picking up trash (like WallE kind of), but basically it mostly just masturbated a lot. When it climaxed, it shot springs out. Make of that what you will.

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