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Category Archive for 'Car Drama and trauma'

So. I had the day off, due to being a government employee and today being MLK Jr. Remembrance Day, so I thought, since I have the day off, I’d take the car up to the dealership for an oil change and some service crap. Ka-ching. Checking account $208.61 lighter. Fuckers. But that’s not the problem. […]

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I got lost again today. Twice. Not just looking for a specific street. No, I got lost looking for a whole *town* which I managed not to find. Twice. Two different consultations of the map, two different routes. Two different encounters with road-construction or traffic congestion diversion tactics. Folks, I can’t find Bonner Springs with […]

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Thrifting simply didn’t happen today. This morning between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. I proved my utter inability to find North Oak Trfwy. with both hands and a roadmap. Yes, folks, I drove around buttfuck N. Kansas City for TWO stinking hours, looking for what is probably the largest and most significant commercial street in that […]

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Had dinner tonight with a bunch of friends from Hissyfit/3WA. I think that a good time was had by all–at least if the mad fits of laughter can be taken as any indication of enjoyment. Mouse Decapitation Sleeves. A phrase I will probably carry with me to the end of my days. Also the fine […]

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Bleh! I need a jump-start to even see if the new starter I put in my car works. Apparently, when I was fucking aroudn with the new ignition switch the weekend before last, I ran the battery down, so now it is *really* no go. Bugger! Better news, the new brakes on my bicycle are […]

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