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Category Archive for 'Shopping'

Sunny Side Up

Did you ever not-buy something and later wish you’d bought it? When I was about 12 or 13, I talked myself out of buying a fantastic novelty brooch, a piece of costume jewelry from the early 1950s. It was a tiny, blue enamel plate with a bacon-and-eggs breakfast executed in enamel and rhinestones (the yellow […]

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This is a box of Taylor’s of Harrogate Earl Grey Tea. By anybody’s standards, this is a pretty damn good box of tea. I got it at the corner shop for $3, which is seriously a steal. At The Better Cheddar down on the Plaza, Taylor’s clocks in at $9 for a box of 50 […]

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Man, there are times that being a seamstress kicks ass. Not so much when you put a sleeve in a jacket upside down or get finagled into doing a shit-ton of alterations for no money, but when you get about $200 worth of performance gear for about $40, it fucking rules. So, there’s this fancy-schmancy […]

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I got this phone in February of 2006. It was pretty awesome, so I stuck a couple of foil daisy stickers on it to make it awesomer. They didn’t stay very well, but they were cute while they lasted. I got this phone from a shady discount-cellular-and-tobacco store on East Truman Road, about a block […]

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Once upon a time, I owned the most awesome, perfect, kick-assedy boots that ever kicked ass. They were fuckin’ rad, and I wore the everloving crap out of them. My classmates at school thought they were awful, and I took a lot of guff for my big stompy boots (oddly, during an era when it […]

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Button boots, baby! I’ve wanted a pair of button-top, French Heeled, old-style shoes for AGES. Like perhaps since my ‘Tween years, What can I say? I’ve always had an urge for Fin de siècle fashions. I rarely buy shoes, from the Internet or otherwise, so these were a bit of a splurge, but they are […]

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We’ve had a rash of broken coffee cups lately. Cone shaped mugs which tip over too easily. A pretty, but obviously clumsily hand-made cup which suddenly and without warning separated into three wedges in the dishpan. Slippery, soapy cups launching out of hands, into the sink, and shattering dramatically. Things were getting a bit ridiculous, […]

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Who says I’m playing? Trash-pickin’ is serious business you guys! Anyway, yesterday we found a dumpster that was a BONANZA of clothing…good stuff too, some of it with the tags still on it! We actually ended up leaving plenty for the next scavengers! Melissa nabbed a pair of lime green pants and a shirt that […]

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Option B of this pattern is precisely what I want for a new jacket. Option A is kind of cute, too, though I can definitely do without the bloomers, thanks! Of course, this purchase is pending my getting a new job, so we’ll see, but it’s definitely in consideration.

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A kettle has got to rest on its bottom

I’m kinda looking around for a new teakettle. Joel had a really nice orangey-red one that I think was from Le Crueset, but one time when his dad was visiting, P.A. had started some water for tea, then fell asleep in the lounge chair (jet-lag from Honduras, I guess) and the kettle burnt dry and […]

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