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Category Archive for 'dumb things I have done'

Maybe what I am saying is that I should start taking the struggles for granted and when the smooth patches heave into view, I should land ’em like a victorious pirate captain, plant my flag, and celebrate like I have commandeered the finest shipment of Good Times on the high seas.

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If I parked the car any nearer to the garage, it would have to be parked inside the garage. I actually back in with the window rolled down and my head out to make sure of my distance. The big deal and my self-imposed parking challenge is that I have to do this all in […]

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  So, these are basically home-made Robeez. With nonskid soles, even.  I’d like to say this is because I am all craftsy and innovative and capable and shit, but to be perfectly honest, it’s largely because I somehow managed to lose my son’s actual pair of Robeez. McCall’s M6342 View I, to the rescue. Kiddo’s […]

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For a lark, I am creating a dress based on a mashup of these two patterns. I am using the View 3 skirt from the 1966 Simplicity 6840 and the full-length middy tunic from the 1974 Simplicity 9922. I measured the pattern pieces against one another and they are the same at the hip, so […]

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Oh, so many years ago, before I moved to Kansas City, I made a road-trip here with some college friends to visit a couple of other college friends who were already living here. On the trip back home, we pulled off the Interstate somewhere in the back of beyond in central Nebraska to re-fuel the […]

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I climbed up to the shelf above the closet in my sewing room today to get some crap down from “the archives” (or rather the boxes of accumulated crap that represents the criminal evidence of my youth). I needed my old cassette tape collection for reasons. Okay, by reasons, I mean that I felt like […]

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I finally heard the clue phone ringing and picked it up. Little chap is teething, of course. Drooling? Check. Gnawing fingers? Check. Biting whilst nursing? Check. Slight rash around mouth? Check. Shitty mood? CHECK. So, I’ve bought him some baby acetaminophen and a tube of baby Orajel, and we shall hope for the best. When […]

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“Lo what fools we mortals be,” to slightly misquote Shakespeare for my own nefarious purposes. Knowing that I am, indeed, a poor player strutting and fretting my hour upon the stage, I have to wonder why am I wasting ‘precious’ brain power internally ranting about why I hate wooden salad bowls? Because I do. I […]

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I got invited to attend a maternity yoga class coming up next week, but I’m afraid I’m still too much of a doofus for yoga. I gave it the ” Facebook Maybe” which is introvert for, “uh, no thanks, but I am too awkward to actually come out and say ‘I won’t be attending.’” Yoga […]

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For the love of all things great and small. Seriously, I left the house in two different shoes today, and then had to work a shift at the grocery store this way. The lower-cut penny loafer was less comfortable than the one with the button trim. They are less broken-in. Lesson. Learned.

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