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Category Archive for 'wrecks'

I’m not sure if I’m just a lousy cyclist, or if there’s a certain proportion of falling-over-per-mile that every cyclist averages and I’m simply fulfilling my quota. One way or another, I seem to be entering another of my streaks of wreckage, kicked off by a little offroad falling-over out at Lawrence when we got […]

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Pretty much the title up there says it all. I, um, had a close and personal encounter with an F250 work truck yesterday and racked up two more milestones in my life: first ambulance ride, first broken bone (left collarbone, out toward the end). There’s an intersection in the West Bottoms where this big, horrible, […]

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“> Yes, yes, yes, folks…so it appears that Frank Tuesday is back in action in the KC area. Maybe it’s FT’s evil clone, maybe it’s something completely different. All I know is that the insanity and mayhem we’ve all come to crave is wafting on the breezes and we should all get a good dose […]

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I had a pretty lousy day today. I’ve been off kilter for about a week. Stressed. Depressed. Feeling horrible that all I can do at the moment for anyone suffering on account of the Katrina disaster is donate to the Red Cross, and I can’t donate much, at that, because I’m broke–feedback loop into stress, […]

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Say I were a 1977 Buick Skylark. In pretty good shape, considering, but the paint job…a little damaged. I’m a lifelong klutz. I’m never without some sort of minor injury. It’s apparently been a messy biking week for me. The bruise up high on my thigh is from Saturday, on my old mountain bike, when […]

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In my lovely little bike-wreck on Friday, not only did I bruise my right knee and elbow, I bent the back wheel on my bike. Talent, eh? No worries; I borrowed the back wheel off Todd’s bike, since he isn’t riding these days anyhow. In other news, I’m hving semi-asthmatic allergy reactions as the cats […]

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