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Category Archive for 'Up The Pole'

Ahem. One day you may be very hungry, awash with strange hormones, and absentmindedly considering what in the cupboard you could eat at the moment. In that moment, do not get any blinding brain flashes which lead you to concoct a beetroot smoothie. It will not be nice. It will not be good. You will […]

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When do we get a baby belly picture? So asked an old school friend back in Nebraska on Facebook the other day. The short answer is “probably never” but I didn’t reply thusly, because I try very hard not to be an asshole, even if I fundamentally am one. In fact, I never did reply […]

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What prevents a Buffalo Shot? So, I’m a bit remiss in not posting this like IMMEDIATELY after I got home on Friday (or live-tweeting it, if I were an obnoxious mommyblogger with an i-phone) but on Friday last, I went in for the 2nd trimester ultrasound where they investigate whether the baby’s spine is in […]

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So said McCall’s back in 1973, and you know what? They weren’t kidding. This little frock was easy to make and should be easy to wear. It’s essentially an a-line from armpit to hem, given shape by the crossover sash which is integrated into the neckline binding. I made it a bit more complicated than […]

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…to keep cocking it up this relentlessly. But I managed to persevere through my incompetence and produce what turned out to be an actually pretty dress: This finally turned out very well. The fabric and the pattern combined almost perfectly. This pattern was intended specifically for moderate stretch knits. This fabric is not a knit […]

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Yesterday, I was grousing on Facebook about having an episode of numptiness wherein I assembled the sections of a shaped waistband upside-down and stitched them to the bodice that way, then wondered why the waistband looked like the top of a tent. So, this morning I sat down, fixed the cursed waistband, re-installed it, did […]

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When I went on my most recent library run, Joel had a request for me: to pick up some about-pregnancy-and-babies books, as he felt he had some knowledge gaps which he’d like to fill in. Of the books I picked out, only one of them didn’t elicit gales of derisive laughter, voluminous swearing, and heavy […]

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Well, I made a bit more maternity-appropriate clothing in the past week or so. The following dress was made up from some fabric that is so pretty I may well wear it even after the baby is born. The pattern is Simplicity 5034 from 1973. With sleeves ganked from another pattern contemporary to it, as […]

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In Praise of the Middy Suit

Joel and I have had a disagreement which led into negotiations. What culminated was a deal, the gist of which is that I’m free to dress the baby in nautical attire until such point as the child is weaned. Fair enough, but I do intend to make the most of it. I bought this pattern […]

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Three months gone

So, I’m just about out of the first trimester, which is kind of weird. It should feel like a milestone, I think, but it really doesn’t. I think because I have been so fortunate and not had morning sickness, I hardly even feel pregnant, aside from my larger chest and, you know, having to pee […]

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