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Category Archive for 'Notions and Rants'

What is your blade? What is your red-hot match head? What mortifies your flesh to alleviate your spirit?
What reinforces your humanity in all its profanity?

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You.  You feared that we’d come for your guns.  Did we? I.  I fear that you will come for my books, my words, my thoughts.  Will you? I fear that you will stop my children’s teachers teaching them about geology, geography, biology, history, literature, and the diversity of experience in this great wide world. The […]

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Maybe what I am saying is that I should start taking the struggles for granted and when the smooth patches heave into view, I should land ’em like a victorious pirate captain, plant my flag, and celebrate like I have commandeered the finest shipment of Good Times on the high seas.

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I’ll grant first off, that I haven’t been on this parenting project for all that long – slightly less than a year-and-a-half so far, so the bar is as yet set low, but I have two things that have been on my mental radar of Bullshit I Am Not Going To Visit Upon My Kid. […]

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Many years ago, I had a job I hated. Granted, I have had many jobs that I have hated. I majored in English in college which outfits you for specifically NOTHING. Also, pretty much everything’s a bit of a comedown after you’ve studied metaphysical poetry about morning-wood. I’m just sayin’. Anyway, I had a joyless […]

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One of the features of the Holidailies project is that you can get daily writing prompts to keep your creative fires stoked throughout the month. This is quite an excellent service, but one of which I am unable to avail myself. Prompts tend to bring on heroic bouts of writer’s block for me. I trace […]

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I’ve been doing a lot of walking since Joseph was born. While he was still in NICU, I would duck out for an hour or so daily and hoof around the Volker neighborhood to get fresh air, to keep my head about me, and to work off the hideous cankles that fluid retention had bestowed […]

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“Lo what fools we mortals be,” to slightly misquote Shakespeare for my own nefarious purposes. Knowing that I am, indeed, a poor player strutting and fretting my hour upon the stage, I have to wonder why am I wasting ‘precious’ brain power internally ranting about why I hate wooden salad bowls? Because I do. I […]

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A rebuttal:

There’s a platitude been going around Facebook of late, one of those bumper-sticker feel-goodisms which goes: “Be kind to unkind people; they need it most.” To which I am inclined to say ‘humbug,’ ‘hogwash,’ and ‘balderdash.’ Being kind to unkind people is, to my way of thinking, rewarding assholery. It’s letting cocks dick you over, […]

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Comes away with: In order to re-charge the Baby, make sure that the charging equipment is plugged in firmly. Failure to ensure a proper junction between charging equipment and docking station can lead to insufficient charging and damage to charging equipment.

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