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Category Archive for 'Gratuitous Cussing'

Many years ago, I had a job I hated. Granted, I have had many jobs that I have hated. I majored in English in college which outfits you for specifically NOTHING. Also, pretty much everything’s a bit of a comedown after you’ve studied metaphysical poetry about morning-wood. I’m just sayin’. Anyway, I had a joyless […]

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1. Hallucinated 2. Passed out* 3. Gone home with a boy I’d never met before It sounds like I’ve been having wild and salacious times, but in reality, that’s a misleading lead-in to a labor-and-delivery anecdote. On June 28, I was heading down to KU Med for a routine pre-natal appointment, wherein I expected to […]

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When do we get a baby belly picture? So asked an old school friend back in Nebraska on Facebook the other day. The short answer is “probably never” but I didn’t reply thusly, because I try very hard not to be an asshole, even if I fundamentally am one. In fact, I never did reply […]

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A reader caught a typo for me in my Kia Magentis post from the other day – I’d mis-named the Chrysler 300, a leaden and funereal 4-door sedan as a Chrysler 500 (because I have stubby-little-kid-hands and have to take my fingers off home-row to hit the number keys) and he thought I was making […]

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Let’s just clear the air and start with “animosity,” since alphabeticaly it’s the first, and it will be the predominant theme of this entry anyway. I feel a lot of damn animosity toward taggers, especially those who just scrawl gang tags, names, or slogans all over the place. And I double-hate stencillers, especially those who […]

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You probably have seen this video that is making the rounds, of a surprisingly articulate little girl being coached by her Dad through a Socratic discussion on gender marketing of toys. While I applaud the family for encouraging their kid to think about marketing and gender expectations, I find myself more than a little bit […]

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As I mentioned yesterday, I had a grand night out on Saturday, and among the diverting and pleasant facets of the night, I met a lutenist (I restrained myself from making terrible puns along the lines of “luter/looter” because I can be mature/not-a-complete-asshole, with some amount of effort). Yon fellow is a great devotee of […]

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Do you ever read something and just find your face stuck like this ? Yeah, so I read a woman’s blog entry recently that just made one eye squinch up, while the other bugged out, and my mouth perhaps went “wha’ th’…you have got to be kidding me…the hell you say…” and maybe something incoherent […]

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After a decade of being vaguely broke and more than vaguely pissed off about it, I have finally paid off my student loan. Before the July payment was set to draw, I shut off the automatic draft, transferred an extra $1,000 from my savings to my checking, and paid that bad boy off. I just […]

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So…that’s basically the sound of my brain these days. Holy crap, April was pretty much a waste. We’ve been having one of those notoriously shitty Midwestern springtimes. Spring in this part of the country is really unabashedly rotten. After something on the order of 8,762 days of freezing ass hatefulness known as Winter, we all […]

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