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Category Archive for 'videos'

My voice is all jacked up. I’ve had this lingering cold/laryngitis/swinfluenza bullshit for about a month now, and my telephone-answering job isn’t helping the condition of my voice any. Endless tea, honey-and-lemon, and Emergen-C packets haven’t really helped much. At best I sound like Marge Simpson, at worst, I sound like a forlorn goose. Sadly, […]

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I just got a movie recommendation from my Dad: The Long Long Trailer,” which opened in 1954 featuring the beloved Lucille Ball/Desi Arnaz team, a 1954 Mercury convertible, and a really big travel trailer. Dad has been laid up for the past month following rotator-cuff surgery; he’s currently banned from using his right arm, so […]

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I’ll be back later on to write up the Chariot races, but in the meantime, please enjoy one of my new favorite videos on the entire Internet: It’s kind of like the old Hamster Dance, but better. With ferrets! And Weezer(ish). For comparison. And now, I’m off, to go be a productive member of society. […]

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I guess you all probably know the Bert & Ernie “Banana In Your Ear” sketch: I never considered that the “banana in your ear” bit might have come from somewhere else, so imagine my surprise when I encountered it during a bit of Grand Ol’ Oprey schtik research:I’d fortuitously come across an entire episode of […]

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The Internet is great

for being a bottomless font of covers and novelty tunes, which bring me boundless joy: A while back I expressed great enthusiasm for the Dollyrots’ “Brand New Key,” which at the time I had no idea wasn’t original to them. I’ve since learned that a sweet hippie folk singer named Melanie Safka was the originator […]

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[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYkWMAbFVc0] ABBA and I have a slightly stormy history. I loved them as a kid, of course. Their sprightly, catchy, danceable tunes get young and old alike up and moving. When I was in college (undergrad) we used to play ABBA’s Greatest Hits in the costume shop when we were working on costumes for plays. […]

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Me and my M

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgpByGsgADw] We go Mmmm-mmm-mmm… I LOVED this song when I was a little kid. I was just plain stoked that the first letter of my first name was the first letter of so many awesome words. Mud. Mess. Moose. Monster. Machine. And speaking of machines, who didn’t love the Rube Goldberg-esque ice-cream-sundae-machine? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67khDZ0P7Xo] And speaking […]

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Blossom time!

I’ve been reading other people’s blogs in DC and Japan, especially, talking about cherry blossom viewing. It is that time of the year! Here in KC, we have a lot of trees blooming…mostly crabapple, redbud, and Bradford pear. I don’t know that there are any cherry trees to speak of, but there are plenty of […]

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lighthearted musical rebellion

So for some reason, The Coasters’ big hit “Yakkity Yak” was stuck in my head from when I woke up this morning. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cHB3Rbz1OI] It’s awfully catchy, and I think most of us get that whole “parents just don’t understand” bit, having lived through adolescence in its due season. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-cnq8dAw7E] “Charlie Brown” is another by The […]

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Get A Job

Heh…yeah that’s on my mind plenty, but that’s not strictly what’s on my mind today. Today, fine friendly folks, I’m in a musical mood and here’s why: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hkJL6wRBE8] I hadn’t ever realized until today that the title of this song is “Get A Job.” As I’m sure I’ve mentioned, I’ve been doing a lot of […]

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