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Category Archive for 'Family'

The pop culture vision of senile dementia is the doddering eccentric, who calls her grandkids by the wrong name, makes non-sequitur commentary whenever it’s devastatingly funny to do so, and genially bungles her way through the “golden years.” The reality is that dementia sneaks up on a person and can turn a person who was […]

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Happy chappy

So, that tiny little scrap of humanity they allowed me to bring home from KU Med Center back on July 13 is now 26″ long and 16lbs, 4 oz. Quite a bit of progress from his starting stats of 17.5″ and 4lb, 14 oz. What Joseph likes is: his feet, being carried around, sitting up […]

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I guess I’m going to try to find us a Christmas tree tomorrow. They’re usually pretty much going begging in the thrift shops. I wasn’t going to bother this year; I have never done holiday decorations in my whole adult life and I figured Joseph is too little to really know any difference, but I […]

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Landfill destiny

I come from a family of scavengers and trashpickers. So does Joel. In fact, in our early relationship, we bonded over an outing on Large Trash Day down in the ritzy Brookside district, when I scored my prized enamel-and-chrome step-stool (1950s vintage) and Joel found a banjo! When my sister and I were kids, we […]

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After a couple of false starts and a bit of stress, we finally made it up to visit my folks in the Panhandle and had the chance to go tubing down the Niobrara, since it’s still up for irrigation. For those of you who haven’t experienced the delights of going tubing, basically, all you need […]

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It’s been nearly a month since I looked at an Internet form with a header that read “Adde New Post.” Okay, there’s no Olde Englishe “E“, that’s just a typo I decided to leave in because I’m entirely too easily amused. To quote Jim Anchower from The Onion, “I know it’s been a long time […]

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A squillion years ago, more or less, I graduated from highschool and my grandparents gave me a really, really, really, really nice set of pens (one ballpoint, one fountain). I, being the hamfisted mutant that I am, managed to break the ballpoint pen within a year. Moreover, being an ignorant cluck, I tried to “fix” […]

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Woodchuck Day

Now, if I had any sense of the fitness of things, I’d save this story for February 2, which is not only Groundhog Day, it is also the birthday of the Grandma involved. Alas, I am not that organized, and so, you get a story about hibernating groundhogs on the second-to-last day of August. In […]

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5 drops of Rose Otto (in jojoba) 1 drop of Patchouli scant .35 oz vodka infused with whole cloves (12 in a 1 oz bottle) I use these tiny perfume bottles that are .35 oz, so whatever liquid I put in besides the oils (usually vodka, either plain or infused) is just under .35 oz, […]

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I’m gonna be schmoopy for just a minute. I enjoy the heck out of Joel’s and my relationship – he just tickles me eight shades of pink and I wanted to share a couple of fairly awesome pictures of my feller: Joel is imitating a sea-gull in Santa Cruz – this is the day before […]

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