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Category Archive for 'Recommendations'

OMFG, there’s this guy on Tumblr who does comics about his D&D adventures and he is one funny, twisted, deranged man. This series, which ends on a fucking glorious pun, had me cackling out loud. Like hopeless, leaning against a wall, whooping, wheezing, losing-every-bit-of-my-shit laughing out loud. I don’t think you even have to be […]

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the famous DX, a photo by Meetzorp on Flickr. The 1.5 litre 1988 Honda Civic DX has enough pickup through the lower range of gears that I can get annoyed at other drivers for being slow on the takeoff. In fact, it is just sprightly enough that I can combine impatience and enjoyment in almost […]

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This is a box of Taylor’s of Harrogate Earl Grey Tea. By anybody’s standards, this is a pretty damn good box of tea. I got it at the corner shop for $3, which is seriously a steal. At The Better Cheddar down on the Plaza, Taylor’s clocks in at $9 for a box of 50 […]

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Mansfield Park by Jane Austen My rating: 3 of 5 stars I recently read an annotated version of Mansfield park, and while the book was fascinating from a historical and informational perspective, I found the story and writing itself rather heavy-handed. I believe that of Austen’s novels, this one has aged the least gracefully. Fanny […]

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So, I’ll give you the good news first. The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox would have had a hard time being any better. When I finished it, I wanted to start reading it all over again from the beginning and enjoy it once more. It was a letdown that it ended. It was the sort […]

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So, my dumb ass has decided to participate in NoBloPoMo, or whatever the hell they call it. Because I am crazy. Also because I feel like I could use a swift blogging kick in the pants and that may be the boot to administer it. Or something like that. And because it is late and […]

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Enough with the gutter-based content. Today, I want to show you this My fingernails are really shiny, sparkly silver. All day long it has been making me cheerful to see them twinkling as I have gone about my work duties and stuff. This combination of cheap nailpolishes was a real winner: One coat of the […]

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I have become ridiculously fond of the Black Dice and other similar bleep-gizzle-frunzzzz type music. It is completely fantastic if you like weird music made up of random electronic bonking noises and zoinky sounds and general chopped-stirred-and-fried bleep-gleep effects. At work, we are allowed to listen to streaming ‘net radio, so long as we either […]

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A squillion years ago, more or less, I graduated from highschool and my grandparents gave me a really, really, really, really nice set of pens (one ballpoint, one fountain). I, being the hamfisted mutant that I am, managed to break the ballpoint pen within a year. Moreover, being an ignorant cluck, I tried to “fix” […]

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I’ve been keeping a blog sporadically since 2002, which is a plenty long time, though sometimes it seems like I’ve kept one for much longer. Back in the day, I used to post on this message board called Hissyfit quite a lot, and sometimes I’ll think, “I know I blogged about that some while back,” […]

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