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Category Archive for 'Parenthood'

I rode my bike to work today. Many of you are like, “yeah, so what…you always ride your bike to work,” but the fact of the matter is. I have a job to ride to. It’s very, very, very part time, but. I have eight hours a week where I am being paid for my […]

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When we were out walking today, we stopped at our shitty neighborhood park, and for once there were some other kids there playing. They were a bit older than Joseph – two little boys and a girl, aged somewhere in the four to six range. They were trying to play Tee Ball, but were mostly […]

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I’ll grant first off, that I haven’t been on this parenting project for all that long – slightly less than a year-and-a-half so far, so the bar is as yet set low, but I have two things that have been on my mental radar of Bullshit I Am Not Going To Visit Upon My Kid. […]

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I bought one of those little “idyllic townscape” rugs for my son’s bedroom, so that he can roll his toy cars around the streets, build on LEGO destinations, etc. When it arrived, I was quite pleased with its general idyllic-townness. For example, here’s a grocery store next to a stream and look at all of […]

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At age sixteen months (fourteen and a half months, adjusted) young Joseph just nailed a pretty big milestone: Yepyep, the kid can walk now. He’s only been threatening to walk since the beginning of September. He’s been cruising the perimeter of rooms, scuttling around the furniture, and barrelling about the place behind his alligator pushcart […]

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On year later:

Same baby, same car-seat, same pose, one year apart. On 7-13-13, we got to bring young Joseph home. The photo on the left was from his “car-seat-challenge” at the NICU, to make sure that his heart rate or breathing wouldn’t be hampered by being positioned in the car-seat. The photo on the right was from […]

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  So, these are basically home-made Robeez. With nonskid soles, even.  I’d like to say this is because I am all craftsy and innovative and capable and shit, but to be perfectly honest, it’s largely because I somehow managed to lose my son’s actual pair of Robeez. McCall’s M6342 View I, to the rescue. Kiddo’s […]

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Happy chappy

So, that tiny little scrap of humanity they allowed me to bring home from KU Med Center back on July 13 is now 26″ long and 16lbs, 4 oz. Quite a bit of progress from his starting stats of 17.5″ and 4lb, 14 oz. What Joseph likes is: his feet, being carried around, sitting up […]

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A few years ago, I picked up a couple of yards of this crazy printed cotton jersey and made myself a dress: There it is on the dressmaker’s dummy. And here it is, on the dressmaker. I was rummaging through my scrap bag the other day looking for a piece of red corduroy I needed […]

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With a little scrounging, a little thrift-shopping, and a little swearing, I got the tree all festive today. Didn’t get to shoot anything at it via compressed air, however. Maybe next year. I started ratting around in my craft-crap bins and realized that I had a crapton of tinsel garland that I’d pulled out of […]

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