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Category Archive for 'meta'

For as much goofing around with the Internet as I do, I’m not what you’d call proficient. I don’t know how to code. I use WordPress templates that pretty much walk you through any minor modifications you might want to make. Until today. Joel had been asking me for help with the Dirty Kanza 200 […]

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Okay, I’d be a total asshole if I didn’t write the obvious – I’m unable to articulate how truly grateful I am for my awesome family and friends, a few of whom I’ll be spending the evening with, and a few more with whom we’ll be throwin’ down a fiesta on Saturday. My tribe is […]

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Lost my voice

As it happens when I don’t update in a while, lots of stuff goes on in my life…interesting stuff that I ought to write up, but don’t then when I finally get up the gumption to write, I’m just plain overwhelmed. It’s like a larger and more personal dose of the anxiety I get when […]

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Just about here, now!

Been re-adjusting and re-configuring the site since I moved it from wordpress.com to meetzorp.com. I had to download and upload my preferred theme, and somehow it still looks a bit different, but it doesn’t suck, so I am okay with it. I kind of need to find my original header images, though, ’cause the version […]

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I most generally take a lot of pictures. Sometimes I see something just totally random and awesome, and so I have to stop and whip out the camera and record it for posterity: I mean, would you otherwise have believed me if I told you that I saw GOATS in an empty lot on my […]

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I think I’m going to start a new section on my blog. I won’t be doing it every day, but sometimes, I think I am going to do a quick inventory of my “fashion point” for the day. The main inspiration of this project is the Japanese Street Fashion magazine Fruits. Whenever they photograph a […]

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Moving house!

Okay, meetzorp.com is staying put just as you know it, but my professional site, As You Like It Designs is temporarily going to be available at asyoulikeitdesigns.wordpress.com. I’m migrating the content of AYLI to Dreamhost, where the URL is registered anyway. If this works well, I’ll probably move Meetzorp over there, too. There are several […]

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I made a new blouse over the weekend. It is Option C from Simplicity 4020, and I am really happy with how it turned out. Especially when you consider that I used some pretty cheap nylon tricot (usually used for slips) that was left over from when I made myself some slips. I just wanted […]

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To answer both Doug and MD, there’s not a route as such. We’re taking a mid-southerly approach…probably leaving CA via Yosemite National park, then obviously we’ll cross a little Nevada, and go along northern AZ & NM (we’re going to be crossing the Four Corners area I’m pretty sure). Then we may cross through the […]

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Things which suck and things which do not suck: I haven’t written in an age for two reasons in particular. #1 would be that my computer is still in the shop, so I only get the chance to update if I am at Joel’s house, and up until this past Tuesday, his father and stepmother […]

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