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Category Archive for 'Well I’ll Be Darned'

If I parked the car any nearer to the garage, it would have to be parked inside the garage. I actually back in with the window rolled down and my head out to make sure of my distance. The big deal and my self-imposed parking challenge is that I have to do this all in […]

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Last night, to end a very silly not-argument about the word “recidivist” and its proper spelling, I took to Joel’s gigantic dictionary, a Webster’s New Twentieth Century Unabridged Dictionary from 1972. After I’d won the argument (heh) I spent a bit of time just thumbing through the tome, because I like dictionaries and just randomly […]

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Oh, so many years ago, before I moved to Kansas City, I made a road-trip here with some college friends to visit a couple of other college friends who were already living here. On the trip back home, we pulled off the Interstate somewhere in the back of beyond in central Nebraska to re-fuel the […]

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So. That happened. Though it may surprise a few of my friends, this was completely intentional. I’d been ambivalent about having kids for a very long time (obviously, as I’m 35 and pregnant for the first time) but now that it’s happened, I’m actually really excited. Like no second thoughts, no “oh-shit-what-have-I-done.” I’m just totally […]

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This dress. I own it. I have worn it in public. I found it in an enormous trash heap under a bridge in the West Bottoms. I think that pretty much says it all. Oh, not quite. Actually, I have another, worse dress, but in order to spin out this Holidailies thing, you have to […]

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This is a box of Taylor’s of Harrogate Earl Grey Tea. By anybody’s standards, this is a pretty damn good box of tea. I got it at the corner shop for $3, which is seriously a steal. At The Better Cheddar down on the Plaza, Taylor’s clocks in at $9 for a box of 50 […]

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Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Ms. Jacquie, I am now in possession of a mysterious Jacques Fath suit which probably dates to the early or middle 1950s. I make this estimate because Fath went out of business in ’57 and didn’t have a US-based boutique until after WWII. As you can see, the […]

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I expect that most of the people who saw me, and especially the four teenaged skateboarders over by Penn Valley Park, were thinking, “what the hell is that crazy lady doing?” I expect I elicit that question often. I encountered an abandoned rug on my way home from Friz tonight and decided I’d just as […]

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Acclaimed humor site The Oatmeal has a running series of comics called “Minor Differences” wherein situations go from great to gruesome with the addition or omission of some small factor. Examples are: the cuteness of a woman wearing just a tee-shirt versus the creepiness of a man wearing just a tee-shirt or the difference in […]

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On my way to work this morning, I saw a dog who reminded me of Billy Connolly’s “wee brown dog.” It wasn’t wee, as such, mind you. He was upper-mid-sized, probably around 60lb, lanky and leggy, probably a pit-bull and labrador mix. He was a tawny buff color, with a white chest, white feet, and […]

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