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Category Archive for 'meta'

I’ve been on a winning streak with the dumpster diving just lately. Found this embroidered jeans jacket in the West Bottoms on Monday. This is legitimately a thing I’d buy and wear on purpose, so finding it in the trash is just a bonus. Free obnoxious clothing is serendipitous and appreciated. Then, yesterday, I found […]

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Facebook. Freakin’ Facebook. It’s a love/hate website, that’s for sure. It’s fun to keep up with your friends, see your old schoolmates’ babies, check out your co-workers Spotify picks, hand out party invites, RSVP to same…it’s a daily ritual that many of us enjoy. Mostly. But Facebook has a habit of inventing new ways to […]

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So…that’s basically the sound of my brain these days. Holy crap, April was pretty much a waste. We’ve been having one of those notoriously shitty Midwestern springtimes. Spring in this part of the country is really unabashedly rotten. After something on the order of 8,762 days of freezing ass hatefulness known as Winter, we all […]

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An Awkward Primer

Well, I reckon I might have a few new guests in here thanks to the fabulous Thieving Thursdays from Was That Awkward, so I thought I’d do y’all a favor and provide you with a list of links to some of my favorite awkward moments I’ve shared on the blog over the years. The one […]

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I was reading the erstwhile blog of Rob Coombes, musician and former astrophysicist, most well known as the keyboard player in Supergrass. He’s an amusing man, and I wish he’d return to his blog – it is a lot of fun. Anyway, what got me going today was another abandoned blog, of which he’d been […]

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New minifeature over here. I’ve decided that I can’t waste all of my brainfarts on Twitter or Facebook. Not when I’ve got a perfectly good blog to yammer on. So now, occasionally, I’ll post pairs of things that I have liked and disliked recently. I like riding past a house at night that has the […]

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It’s been nearly a month since I looked at an Internet form with a header that read “Adde New Post.” Okay, there’s no Olde Englishe “E“, that’s just a typo I decided to leave in because I’m entirely too easily amused. To quote Jim Anchower from The Onion, “I know it’s been a long time […]

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This is written partly in response to Jacquie Phelan’s recent musings about where women fit into the cycling industry, and partly because I sometimes kick ideas around about my own “place” in the two-wheeled underground. I think part of the problem(s) that both Jacquie and Bike Hugger were addressing (1) (2) (3) stem from how […]

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Hi, hi! I’m just lollygagging around tonight and trying a new approach to the abuse of GIF images. Don’t mind me. I’m sure I never do. I have a favorite little animated GIF, a self-drawing rosette that I may end up using more again, if this embedding process looks any good. We shall see how […]

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Any woodchucks poking their heads out here in KC today weren’t too likely to see any shadows…it was overcast and kind of grimy today. Winter in Kansas City, when it isn’t snowy, is not an aesthetic triumph. I’ve been hunkered down pretty deep lately…gone to ground so you might say. Here I am popping my […]

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