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Category Archive for 'Ruby the Dog'

I’ve been doing a lot of walking since Joseph was born. While he was still in NICU, I would duck out for an hour or so daily and hoof around the Volker neighborhood to get fresh air, to keep my head about me, and to work off the hideous cankles that fluid retention had bestowed […]

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Well, I completely forgot about logging in and posting anything yesterday. Pretty much this is what the bulk of my day consisted of. Pressure-cooking beans. Then Joel and I went out to dinner, came back home, and watched Smokey And The Bandit, which Joel had borrowed from the library. Today, I began the annual holiday […]

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Day! I’ve been getting up with the crack of dawn voluntarily lately in an attempt to beat the heat. The dog needs her daily constitutional, and the garden needs to be watered. It’s been blazin’ assed hot lately and there’s no way I could get the dog’s run done in the evening – by the […]

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What you see before you is my “new” stove, a 1950s-era Magic Chef gas range and oven which pretty much outclasses everything else currently residing in my kitchen. Never mind you that the new stove is currently residing on the back porch. It’s in good company. It’s got a disconnected Swedish woodstove and a mysteriously […]

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Juniper Berry sachet, a photo by Meetzorp on Flickr. While running the dog, I found a bunch of windfall juniper berries today, so I completely filled my jacket pockets and made several juniper-berry sachets. I put this one in my lingerie drawer, ’cause delicates that smell of G&T are never the wrong answer.

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Ruby continues to hold steady at just under 50lb, therefore she continues to qualify for the cheaper heartworm preventative.  Rejoicing commences. Griswald behaves himself in the car – minor bitching only, no yowls of evisceration.  Moreover, he completely fails to piss himself.  Earns reward of catnip upon return home. Minnie, on the other hand, manages […]

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I went on a dual-purpose ride today. First objective was to give the dog a run: Second objective was to scavenge up as many ripe mulberries as I could: I made an scouting trip yesterday with the dog, and just snacked on mulberries as I find them, but made plans to come back again…with tupperware! […]

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Beastlie Update

I don’t remember now if I had mentioned it, but at the end of last summer, Griswald developed an “overgrooming” habit which left all four of his legs and his stomach all patchy, as he’d literally licked all of the fur off. I took him to the vet, and after $250 worth of science, we […]

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Stage 1. You are petting the dog and notice that she’s getting a bit whiffy. Comment to anyone in the room (or to an empty room, whichever) that the dog’s getting a bit whiffy and that you’re probably going to give her a bath on your next day off. Nonchalant. Stage 2. Day off arrives, […]

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Man, oh man, yesterday I had two flats at once and it was a pain in the ass. I picked up some goat-head thorns during one of Ruby’s and my excursions into the West Bottoms. The dog likes to run, and I don’t, so what we do to compromise is I leash her up and […]

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